Learning from HEART: Give your scenes HP [Resources] (19)
HEARTS as Distance, EFFORT as Travel [INDEX CARD RPG] (13)
Custom Crown and Skull Character Sheet [Crown & Skull] (10)
Bearcats: Themed ICRPG Sheet [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
Paper Terrain Quickstart [Crafty Crafting] (9)
A wizards' school World Setting, available now! [INDEX CARD RPG] (19)
C&S Player cards [Crown & Skull] (12)
Read your printer manuals, people 😄 [ERRATIC ERRATA] (13)
Effort as Damage Reduction: Checkless ICRPG Combat ( 2 ) [INDEX CARD RPG] (38)
Hand-Drawn Crown & Skull Character Sheet [Crown & Skull] (10)
My WINK World, So Far... [INDEX CARD RPG] (17)
System for Making Adventures? [ERRATIC ERRATA] (15)
Bearcats - Tabletop Simulator [INDEX CARD RPG] (18)
Blood and Snow: Horned Brute (Woolly Rhino) - Community made [Resources] (12)
Crown & Skull character sheet mashup [Crown & Skull] (10)
The Sword Marches: Metal Sword & Sorcery ICRPG Setting - Updated [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
Valentia, Continent of Ages quickstart [INDEX CARD RPG] (15)
1st session in my life as a Dungeon Master [INDEX CARD RPG] (8)
GM Notes for My First Adventure, The Gardens of Glass [INDEX CARD RPG] (15)
Seeking Guidance: A Journey into ICRPG Monster Design [INDEX CARD RPG] (16)
Greatsword Master Character Type [Resources] (10)
Finding Safety [Crown & Skull] (13)
Replace Hearts with Hit Dice [INDEX CARD RPG] (15)
Flat Rolls and Skills ( 2 ) [Crown & Skull] (26)
Unique alfheim life-form abilities? [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
What animal is a Hook? [INDEX CARD RPG] (15)
Giving extra HP to PCs [INDEX CARD RPG] (18)
To play more like 'DND' and not random loot? [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
Concerning Dice [ERRATIC ERRATA] (20)
Getting Crown and Skull to the Table For the First Time [Crown & Skull] (17)
Blood & Snow Ezd6 [EZD6] (11)
DM screen alternatives ( 2 ) [INDEX CARD RPG] (26)
Paladin Character Type for Master Edition [INDEX CARD RPG] (3)
Treasure Value [Crown & Skull] (14)
"Heavy Weapons" Effort instead of "Guns" [INDEX CARD RPG] (13)
Why is Fantasy TTRPG more popular, what am I missing? [ERRATIC ERRATA] (12)
Experimenting with Initiative Styles [ERRATIC ERRATA] (13)
Big & Small Effort [INDEX CARD RPG] (8)
Alfheim magic characters for a noob [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
Minimum Damage on Missed Attacks [INDEX CARD RPG] (17)
So, what does a Sword do? [INDEX CARD RPG] (14)
Is this okay for this community? [ERRATIC ERRATA] (11)
Monsters roll to cast or just have PCs roll vs. Target to Save? [INDEX CARD RPG] (15)
Any obsidian system users here? [INDEX CARD RPG] (16)
Weave of FATE [INDEX CARD RPG] (10)
Player Reference Cards [Crown & Skull] (6)
Quests Wanted: what to do in town [EZD6] (15)
Freeform skills and/or backgrounds thoughts? [INDEX CARD RPG] (11)