Viking Death Squad

About the Viking Death Squad category (1)
Bought Viking Death Squad at 401 Games in Toronto but no PDF :( (7)
What You Fight For: VDS Hack for Mouse Guard! (10)
Game Report (1)
Viking Death Squad Bonus Gear - Junker role (2)
More VDS tokens! (6)
VDS Tokens - Hellstrike / Lucifer's Crown (4)
Retooled VDS Character Sheet (5)
VDS Tokens - Carson's Truck (3)
Armour question (2)
Look what just came in the mail. (2)
"666" Tables? (6)
Q: VDS - Searching for gear and bonus dice (4)
Best Rules to Use for Horizon Zero Dawn (4)
Skill Fixes for VDS (6)
VDS Game Prep (3)
Q: regarding indestructible armor, and repair limits for VDS (13)
Spell stones (2)
GRIMOIRES - A Magic System Implementation for VDS Hack (8)
VDS Tokens - Red Monolith (2)
First VDS session! (3)
VDS Form Fillable (1)
BLOODIED - An additional step to death for VDS Hack (6)
VDS "Fantasy" with Hacker's Core (20)
[VDS] Penalties for failing Reactions? (11)
Sequence of bashing armor? (12)
Question: Which piece of armor is hit? (8)
Feedback on my VDS Rules Summary ("FINISHED") (6)
Taking hits question (4)
Harmless dogs and chaining criticals? (7)