Game Report


I bought the game while it was on offer from DriveThru. I was so impressed I ran 2 games of VDS at Contingency Games Convention last month and everyone had a blast.

Game One. Players spotted a child scout keeping watch on a Cyborg squad so went to investigate. They learnt that her father had been abducted by Coal Demons and taken down a hellhole. After resting the night (and repairing some old tech for the refugees) they charged headlong down the hole. The immortal dropping straight down while Freak the jet-biker rode the shaft like a wall of death, standing atop the bike (held by centrifugal force) and shot the the hellish creatures as they climbed to attack :metal:. Our heroes managed to find the father who was pushing round the giant Wheel of Pain before escaping back to the surface.

Game Two. Totally different approach as the humans “bigged up” the 3 Immortals. They ended up hunting The Annihilator (City Killer) and using an ancient articulated truck and Ivaili the immortal chain master managed to trip it up with scenes reminiscent of the At-At attack in Star Wars. Whole combat lasted over of a hour but the players roleplayed the scene as they attacked it and as it blew multiple pieces of armour off them. Eventually they sacrificed multiple items each to destroy its overwhelming armour. With a powerbeam building to total the party at the end of the round that last player sacrificed his immortal sword and plunged it deep into the power core to “kill” the giant robot much to delight of the players. However in the closing scene after they left I gave the rebooting sequence of The Terminator. They all vowed to return.

I was massively conscious that roleplaying was going to be lost with such a huge fight but thankfully the players egged each other on throughout the entire battle.

Fantastic game and all I can do is highly recommend it.

Great job guys….