Exploring the Doom Vaults



Hi Everyone,
I ran a DoomVault Play By Post on the Runehammer Discord a few months ago and wanted to share a bit of my experience and a collection of the assets I created to do it.


If you want to just grab the goodies, head straight down to the 4th Post (“The Goodies”) or click this link http://bit.ly/kuboDoom to download the Map and Token Assets! All available FREE for the holidays.

I’m thinking of journaling a bit more of the deeper thinking I did during the game.
Not sure what the best avenue for doing so would be, whether a blog, youtube or a patreon project.

For now, if you’re interested in following or supporting me, feel free to come lurk or hang out in this Discord channel.


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What is Doomvault, and why you should try it!

Doomvault is an adventure laid out in ICRPG Core 2.0, by Runehammer Games.

It introduces itself as a “Subterranean fantasy with puzzles, monsters and steel”


For me I found the creative white space a bit overwhelming initially.
By its own admission it is deliberately giving you a starting point with which to craft, and the opening scene is little more than 3 lines of text! <Ulp>!

Runehammer definitely also encourages spontaneous play at the table.
But I’m still new to running a games like these. From the start, I knew I needed some extra Art and Design as a crutch for my game.

Official Resources

If you haven’t got the core book, this is where you find the adventure. It’s the 2nd one in the adventures section.

There are also a bunch of resources to be found in the archives of Runehammer. Looking back through HF’s youtubes, and Patreon you can find all sorts of interesting references, sound beds, mapping dev logs and such, made as he was creating it.

I’ve collected a few links to make it easier to find these.

[20th July 2017] Mapping the DOOMVAULT – the side view original! – Lot’s of hidden info to be found.

[10th Sep 2018] RINCON DOOMVAULT Map – Hankerin prepares for his RINCON games with this top down Battle Map! More insights into his designs.

[22nd Sep 2018] SOUND & AUDIO – found on the Patreon.

Immortal Bonus: Doomvault Audio soundscape.

RPG_Mainframe_Episode_31 – read-alouds for the DoomVault.

[Game Art] Generic Good Guys / Bad Guys

Am I going to run it again?

I think so…

I invested a little extra in getting to grips with the encounters and mapping to give me something I could run with a few groups online.

##Play By Post
I’m toying with the idea of running the dungeon like instances. A bit like raids in WoW dungeons… resetting for each group.

A game could take 50 rounds. With a round ticking over each day.

This means you need to be committed to your party for 1-2 months…


I think these battle maps I have created could also make for some interesting Wargaming play. Possibly using a system like Games Workshops, “Warcry”.

If you are interested in joining in, make your way over to my Discord channel where we could form more parties to descend into the vaults.


The goodies!

Here’s the link to grab a collection of the assets I used! Build em up, Tear em down, make your players feel the doom! :smiley:

-GRAB THE ASSET ZIP HERE (28MB)--------------------


Let me know if you run into any glitches with them, I’d love to hear about games you run with them, and feedback always welcome!

**Hunters of Light Priory** [Discord][ICRPG/Omega Play by Post]

All of it looks amazing!


These assets are incredible! I will most definitely be using these. Thanks for posting!


Very nice distinctive style!


Very cool. Thank you. Particularly like the Token Collection.


Thank you for sharing this. The art is amazing, love the map!


Thanks everyone! I’ve had about 50 downloads so far! Very happy these maps are getting out there!


Got to play in a game where the GM took us into the Doomvault on these maps! Sooo cool to look at and play on! VERY well done @kubo !


Hey folks, this map looks incredible and as a new DM I’m currently trying to figure out all the pieces and how they all work together. Got a couple of questions for anyone willing and able to answer!

  1. What happened to scenes 1 and 2 of the maps? What did you use for those, or did you not include them in your campaign at all?

  2. Where would you put the 2 Invincibles in Scene 3 (Long Pattern)? It kinda feels like the PCs could just leap onto the platforms and onto the stairs below, avoiding them altogether instantly.

That’s it for now, cheers!