Updating My Character Sheet



Here is my Old Character Sheet design. I believe the time to update it is upon us.

I’m about to start working on a new, Updated character sheet for Master edition.

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding things they would like to see on the next iteration of the ICRPG Character sheet, as well as things that you would like to be kept or dumped from the old sheet?

Repository: Character Sheets

I definitely do, please, can I send you the list over on PMs? :smiley:


Yea, Go for it! Let’s see what you are thinking.


Most awesome! Thank you very much! :grinning:


Does anyone have any suggestions regarding things they would like to see on the next iteration of the ICRPG Character sheet, as well as things that you would like to be kept or dumped from the old sheet?

I would suggest a small number on each loot entry. That way, asking for a roll to see what gear breaks might be much faster on the table.

Thanks for sharing!


Very cool idea! I will definitely implement that!


Great sheet! I do have a minor suggestion: Use normal capitalization to explain the attributes – “MELEE ATTACK, LIFTING/PUSHING,” etc. Caps can make things stand out, but when a bunch of capital letters are placed in a block like that, it makes a list harder to scan at the table.

Like I said, it’s just a minor suggestion, but it might make things easier for new players.

Looking forward to the updated sheet!


I had thought about dropping the skill list altogether. If I do keep it I will definitely implement your suggestion though?

On that topic, does anyone actually need/use the skill list or have noticed it being helpful to their players?


Character sheet is slowly coming along. Wanted to get a little input on if it move in a good direction or not, compared to the original.

Player Aids/GM Screen

Looking good so far! Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:


Oh sir, I am liking this A LOT!
I love the simplicity and clean look.

My suggestions:

  • Not everyone is using the d8 for guns. If possible, maybe make into an editable PDF that people can tweek it to their needs?
  • I’m a huge fan of some sort of progression tracker (mastery) - So maybe adding a trackers of some sort will open up more options for using this sheet.

But euhm, just keep doing what you feel will work the best! This is amazing.


I have in fact finished this character sheet. And it’s in its own post. but I thought it’d be a idea to put a link to it here.


do you mind if i use your sheet as a template and modify it for my campaigns