Play by post anyone?


Mehrfin struggles in from the sea, and fires off an arcane missile at the Eye Cluster of the Child of Azatoth.

[Int 15+3=18] [ME 4+5=9]

He is a bit wet and worse for wear, so watches in anticipation as the missiles fly, uncertain whether they will hit their mark.


[Pit fighters are wack. Specially dis one.]


[“You boys better not be out there hwackin’ tentacles in my Northern Quadrant…” -Child of Azatoth, visibly annoyed now]


Mehrfin’s attack lands and blasts a massive hole in the statue’s eye cluster, almost destroying it completely.

Timer to 2

Almost as if in response the eye clusters seem to roll white and lightning strikes from above down to the ritual circle where everyone is stood. (All make a defence save or take 1 lightning damage.)

The Tentacle throws Quildrum across the battlefield and he lands in the western quadrant, amidst the razor sharp rocks and right next to the statue. (Make Defence save or take 1 damage).

[I swear I’m not fudging dice rolls here, you’re just lucky bastards!]

[Oh and don’t forget, as the Priestess of Ruin is dead all that temporarily ruined gear is restored]

Target 16

What do you do?


[How is everyone’s HP doing?]


Muel once again stands there like a jackass [DEF 17+7] as lightning smashes down around him, trying to wrap up a wound with a bit of torn off sleeve…
[CON 7+3=10(+7=17, spent a Hero Coin, added a d12 roll of 7, Karma 2/5, 0/1 Hero Coin:pray:) Basic effort of 2+2 (oh my god I have a base +2 bonus to Basic and Weapons Effort that I keep forgetting you guys! Muel is now at 7/10❤️]

Muel watches Quildrum sail overhead and makes eye contact with him momentarily in a flash of lightning. He points and says: “WHOOOOOO! Go get 'em Quil!” and makes his next roll EASY.


DEF Save: 7+7=14

Hykon cries out as lightning flashes around him in a spray of rock. (1 Damage noted.)

Hykon grits his teeth in anger and annoyance and readies another GREENBOW shot at the CoA.

DEX 10+1=11

As Hykon is about to let loose with an arrow, Quil falls, screaming like a little girl, out of the sky and lands next to the Child of Azatoth and in the direct path of Hykons shot.

Hykon has to pull his shot, to keep from hitting Quil, and the arrow sails past both the Pit Fighter and the CoA.

“Aaarrgh,” Hykon scowls in exasperation.

(9 hp and 5/5 Hero Points. So have a Hero Coin now I guess?)


DEF:1+4=5. 1point damage noted.
Quildrum crashes hard and he tries to gather himself before making an attack. He attempts to move out the way of the statue.
DEX:20+1=21… WAT A TIME FOR A NAT 20!


[Def 2+6=8]

Mehrfin gets blasted by the lightning strike, twitching from being electrocuted, unable to do much of anything. Some of the energy from the lightning strike gets stored in his memory ring, however. [MR 4 HP 9]

Once coming to his senses, he crawls a handful of feet, getting ready for another attack on the eye cluster.


[@AbbenWisson, Morvi has not acted (I thought she’d had a successful recovery a round ago?).

@Condorthegreat, Quildrum has not acted, remember saves do not take an action]


I thought moving out the way of the statue was my move.


So that’s why I didn’t attack.
Quildrum swings his sword at the the statue with all his might


Morvi stands weakly and tries to take swing at the statue’s arm, (STR 6+2=8, 2 effort just in case)


Quildrum hacks and slashes at the Child of Azatoth, reducing the already damaged eye cluster to rubble. He continues and takes big chunks of stone out of the thing’s Arm.

[Only the Arm and the healed up Central Eye are left on the Child of Azatoth]

Timer to 1

The big Tentacle reaches over and tries to slap Mehrfin [Def save or take 4 damage].

The Child’s centre eye fires a beam of black light at Morvi [Def save or 9 damage].

Target 16

What do you do?


Quildrum slashes at the CoAs arm
Quildrum slashes and hits the arm with mighty force.
“DIE! You bag of rocks!”


[Def 20+6=26]
[Int 16+3=19]
[ME 3+5=8]

Mehrfin looks up and sees the huge tentacle headed his way. He rolls to avoid it and fires an arcane missile into it as it passes.


Hykon takes aim once more with his GREENBOW. He gives a silent prayer to his deity as he zeros in on the central eye of the Child of Azatoth.

DEX 5+1=6 (smh)

Hykon will use his Hero Coin to add 1d12 to that attack roll, so…

DEX 5+1=6+12=18 / EFFORT 4+2=6

Hykon lets out a cry as his arrow smacks wetly into the central eye of the Child of Azatoth.


Morvi only sees a spot of pure black in her peripheral vision [DEF 4+(Muel’s)7= 11] and, seeing this, Muel charges over to INTERCEPT the attack, sacrificing his +2 (custom enameled!) shield against the unknown effects of the eldritch beam.
Meanwhile Morvi deftly maneuvers around Muel’s defensive posture and swings her short sword in a leaping spiral attack against the Child’s center eye [16+2=18, ayyy max effort of 6!] her blade whirling in an arc around her body, smashing into the statue with all her tiny strength…


[who’s going to be lucky post #1000 in the pBp?!]


Mehrfin keeps the tentacle at bay while Muel blocks the Child ofAzatoth’s eye-beam.

Quildrum, Hykon and Morvi all slam into the statue with everything they’ve got! Hacking and smashing it while the storm rages around them.

The arm breaks off and shatters, and the eye is ruined. With Morvi’s final stroke the Child of Azatoth cracks and splits, and begins to crumble.

“fAtHeR, sAvE mE!” - the heroes hear the voice boom in their minds, as the statue falls apart, revealing a glowing object deep within, and separately a considerable spirit energy flowing in its wake.

Timer hits zero.

With the statue gone there is suddenly a shift in the intensity of the storm. The rain almost immediately calms a little. The lightning and thunder stops.

A loud smack sounds off, then a splash, then another splash. The heroes look around and see the brain horrors above them. They had been flying in a prefect spiral pattern but that pattern is now disrupted, and one by one they begin to fall out of the sky. Most of them spash into the black water with such force they’re smashed apart, others crash into the island rock, a few seem to be trying to fly away.

The chanting and drumming from the other island, which had been in exaltation, turns now to shrieking and wailing. The heroes can see from their silhouettes that the cultists are in a frenzied panic. The fishman are diving into the sea and swimming down into the deep, some dragging unwilling cultists with them.

The giant tentacle, which had been attacking the group, immediately disappears beneath the choppy waters.

Under their feet the heroes feel the islands reverse their course and pull away from Durhadda shore, and begin sinking back beneath the sea.

The captors near the heroes are all clearly dead, but piles of treasures are dotted around.

The whole island will sink in 2 rounds.

Target drops to 14 as daylight peaks through the clouds

What do you do?

[Guys, that was absolutely clutch, you hit the Child of Azatoth’s total HP almost exactly on the nose. Had you failed to kill it this round you would have failed the mission. Its a shame we couldn’t do this in person because that was epic and incredibly close.]