Prepping my online campaign (incl. Battlemaps)


Thanks for sharing the maps here! They look great!


You’ve really inspired me with this post. I’ve never thought to merge the b&w index card assets with the roll20 maps I typically use. But duh, why not? It works in a cool way!


I saw Hankerin do it in one of his streamed games and I thought it was in interesting effect as it immediately draws the attention to the cards. They just look cool. Plus it makes the VTT look more like an actual table.


Next room! If the players go right in the prison they will end up in here. They are still low on gear so some spread around.


  1. Skeleton Guards
  2. Crystal Guhl
  3. Baleful eye of Scorching (Basically attacks any character in LOS but is stupid. If they disguise themselves or use the huge vase for cover it won’t attack them. Also if they can take a crystal off the officer it will ignore the one carrying it.)


  1. More Earthquake fun! Will collapse the broken ground, thinking of adding in more.
  2. Alarm! Endless stream pf Skeletons through main door. Will Collapse on second earthquake
  3. Patrol. The Officer will walk around.


  1. Random junk on the crates
  2. Two weapon racks (yummy)
  3. Sweet escape!


And the Battle map:


This looks fantastic, your players are going to have a blast!


The prison room would be perfect as Ultimate Dungeon Terrain to print.


I hope so!

Update on the last room. After some pondering I found the room lacking. It needed more interesting gameplay I felt. So I changed it around some. Added a room in the bottom, basically an alchemy lab where a Crystal Mage resides. Said Mage will mistake the PCs for new assistants for some RP fun. If they cna bluff their way through they don’t need to fight him at all. The room can be entered through a door or a window on the balcony. An earthquake might even destroy part of the wall but this will also cause the lab to be filled with noxious fumes. As that room contains the only exit that needs to be pried open with 2 Hearts of effort this could be a problem. The balcony on the right side had some rocky outcropping added so players can hide out there from the Patrol or sneak around to the window and stay out of sight from the eye. Also added a lot more floor that will be crumbling once the timer is up.

Switched the location of the Eye as well and added a Cone of Visibility that I can swivel around. Also moved some other stuff around. Much happier with the room now. I like it so much I will probably update the Prison map to “force” players to go here.


And the Battle Map


Working on some Background. I want to use Tags and may have gone a bit overboard with the Bio Forms but it was a fun exercise!


Started to add Tokens for the Bio Forms. Tracing stuff is fun.

BearFolk CatFolk


We are going to have our first session on wednesday. Still working out some macro stuff but in the meantime I made a new timer dice token, just for fun.

TImer1 Timer2 Timer3 Timer4


You make these maps?

Stealing the index card idea!


Welcome to the party! :smiley:
Enjoy your stay!


Thanks! I used the 2 Minute Table Top Map assets from the Patreon to create these Maps.


Ran the first session yesterday and it was a blast. I probably handed out too much loot but eh, it will sort itself sooner or later I wager. And they rolled really lucky on the Loot tables too! Some Images that I drew for the game as well.


This looks incredible! I love the black and white style of the map!


Thanks, it means a lot. I am sticking to black, white and red for my game drawings, It is challenging but since I can’t really draw well anyways it also makes it much easier to “fake it”. The map just happened because I had drawn the image of the city before and thought this would make for a cool landing page for the game.


It has been a long while, Game is slow going. They finally made it out of the shroom cave after which they encountered the Shroom Queen on the plane of Mushrooms and where sent through a portal. This landed them near the site of an expedition camp.

Camp is located in this area.

Roll20 View:

Thanks to this Thread Playing RPGs using Tabletop Simulator and the instructional videos from @Murder_Hobo_Show I am pondering jumping into Table Top Simulator So I went ahead and recreated the map.

Took a wee bit longer then I would have liked but as it is my first map a lot of time has been spent on finding stuff, that should be better in the future. So far I am liking it A LOT, but will have to run an actual game to see if it is a good fit or not.


Nice… That looks awesome! I’ve been playing a 4 month campaign using icrpg and it’s been going great!