Play by post anyone?


Hykon turns to Mehrfin shaking his head. “None that I can see. Rope rappel anyone”? he says with a sly smile.


“Muel, are you going down or should I ?”


“I’ll do it” Muel says.


Muel ties the rope back around his waist (without as much gusto this time) and as he does he accidentally farts…
“OKAY LETS DO THIS” he says a little too loudly to no one in particular.


Responding to Quildrum:

“I can’t really take credit, but, hey, you’re welcome.”


Mehrfin appears genuinely offended at the flatulence. [ :slight_smile: ]


[should I just RP a climb down here? I genuinely am a bit lost. I thought Smittumi called the scene a while back?]


Well thanks to whoever. Let’s help him down or I can keep an eye out for anything that comes down this road…says Quildrum


[ I’m good to stop until Smittumi returns. ]


Cool with me… let’s not leave him to much to figure out…lol


[okay yeah. I scrolled back and saw everyone had agreed to help the driver]


I am interested in learning to PbP


After Muel climbs down the steep slope he returns to the others. It was hard to tell in the dark but it looked as though the driver landed in some of the upper branches of the closest trees, but then from the broken branches and marks in the trunks it looked like he was carried away by something… something large.

One by one the group decends into the murky forest, leaving the wagon tied off to a stump and Piper lose to roam if she wishes. Quildrum is the last to set foot on the soft loamy floor. There are distant sounds of owls, and lights from moon-sprites here and there.

After a brief scout through the area the heroes establish that from the tracks left on the ground and in the trees, the driver was dragged off somewhere into this area of the woods. But in the late dusk there are other things lurking here too. It’s getting dark, and the opportunity to find the poor man is slipping away.

[The way this will work is; any of you (more than one if you want) can take a Main Action to specifically track the driver. This is a WIS roll against the target, and your effort roll brings the group closer to finding him.

But there are other things in the area to explore and interact with, as well as some things that will make your life harder. I’m going to be generous with information here because I want you to make informed choices about what things you choose to interact with]

Location: this murky forest a few miles out from Durhadda
Goal: find the driver (or what’s left of him)
Obstacle: it’s a big area (it’ll take 1 Heart of effort)
Timer: (2 rounds to find him, after that it’ll be too dark to look)
Round length: about half an hour
Target: 13 as it’s getting darker


  • The whole area is covered in Nosroot; a bramble like vine that slowly snakes around boots and limbs if you stand still too long. It soaks up any blood it contacts: Everyone make DEF saves or suffer 2 damage.

  • There is a Duradim grass viper hunting here that will attack random people it happens across Muel, make a CON save to withstand the worst of the venom. Its bite wont kill but will make any following rolls this round HARD

  • A swarm of Corroder Termites can be heard clicking and buzzing in the grass. If these little buggers get into your gear they’ll wreck it. Muel, I’m so sorry I rolled you again. Make a DEX save to pull these things off your gear. If you fail they’ll eat one random item from your equipment list, you roll it

  • Moon-sprites make their home here, filling the air with their dreamy songs and using their twinkling lights to hypnotise the unwary. Mehrfin, make a WIS save or be pulled into a waking dream by these maddening fairies, and lose your turn

Features (these are things you can interact with as your Main Action if you dont want to look for the driver).

  1. Nosroot Bulb, the heart of the Nosroot plant, dark red and fat with blood
  2. Old rusty chest, overgrown and half sunk into the soil
  3. Broken down old wooden hut, from the distance it looks abandoned
  4. Viper lair, there are tell-tale holes in the ground, and the nearby corpses of paralysed half eaten rabbits
  5. a six foot tall Corroder Termite nest of compacted hard mud, even from the outside the unmistakable smell of their eggs wafts through the air
  6. A dead body, face down in the grass
  7. A sliver bowl half filled with water, carefully placed on a plinth in a small clearing
  8. A crude goblin scimitar, forcefully wedged under a heavy rock


  • Roll any needed saves first
  • then (if you want) your WIS free action to ask for extra info
  • and lastly for your main action tell me your intended outcome, then the thing you do, then your d20 and effort score

Target is 13


[group discussion time]


Quildrum wisdom roll… 12+1=13. To finding the driver or wats left of him.


So Quildrum has to help Mehrfin from any danger as well.


[Yes, group discussion. Get a quick game plan together.]


Quildrum says “Well fellas what do we do… I have to help my friend Mehrfin” “I owe him that much”


Hykon will try and look for the driver. He has healing magic that might be needed if he’s found alive. Seems unlikely but…


Main Action to specifically track the driver 16+1 with effort 5+1
DEF save 18+2