No Accounting Ammo


I concur… in a 1~4 roll that misses, you have expended your ammo.

However, I as a competent combatant can do 30 damage, or 29 and then a maneuver like cover fire, that requires a reload after. Seems more tactical.

Totally spit balling here, but putting more responsibility on the players who are successful in managing their ammo, vs those who are rolling like crap, evens things a tad.

It’s a wash in the end, but instead of a miss it can be narrated that you didn’t get in position to make a shot. Allowing the character to seem better when they miss a shot.

I don’t like incompetent characters, if they are competent but not experienced in combat, they are more likely to not take the shot, then empty the magazine every other round.

Yet if you are playing incompetence it makes sense…I’m split in this, other than I don’t want to reenforce incompetence in our heroic player characters.


Look at what happens in a film. The hero always runs out of ammunition at the worst possible moment, so you could use it as part of Timer result. when timer reaches 0 one of the players has used his magazine and has to spend the next action to reload. As GM you choose who.


I like this in timer/out of ammo narrative concept, specifically for player sided rolling where the GM is not rolling dice, but placing obstacles.


My 2 cents… i say a nat 1 on a shooting roll means a misfire. then roll situational die to determine why. on a d6 1 means gun damaged, 2-3 means a jam and 3-6 means ammo depleted. those numbers can change depending on setting. Say the spacestation you are on is leaking radiationn from a reactor so gun rolls are 1-4 gun damaged,5 jam and 6 ammo.


How about this for a mechanic.

Ranged weapons have HEARTS.

PC can spend “ammo” from the HEART pool to reduce the difficulty of the shot.

So a normal task becomes easy, hard becomes normal.

Roll d* (GM’s choice depending on situation) and lose that much “ammo”.

When the weapon’s ammo HEARTS are depleted, They need need to find more ammo/use a different weapon.


I like this, very quick. I would do it “reload after the first max damage” so I don’t have to remember if I rolled max damage before but otherwise this is nicked.