Modern/Cyberpunk Tokens



Thanks! I’ll definitely be hitting you up there! I really like what you’ve shown!


Thanks a bunch! I’m figuring this out as I go. I’ve gotten a lot of requests for color variations, detail variations, and all kinds of themes, so I’m just going to post all kinds of stuff for whatever people are interested in.


Cyber Clinic is up:


Really killer work!!! You crushed those.


Indeed, these are very nice. Well done as usual!


Yep instant Parton! Love your work man keep on keepin on.


Thank you so much! If you’ve got ideas for packs, I want to hear them! :smiley:
Next one is almost ready…


I’m really glad you made these available on your web site. Purchased!!!

Shield wall: please grab these. They are awesome.


Thank you so much for the support!


Hey token hungry folks, the Street Market is up, here’s a little preview. I’m trying to get them cranked out since AS just launched, haha!

A few JUNK'D Digital Assets

There are some updates to available token packs! Dig on these:

Expanding the creative possibilities one pack at a time! :smiley:


These are so freaking cool man, you’re cranking these out!


OMG. These are great. There’s such a lack of decent modern tokens out there. These will definitely be my go-tos.


Them cars and motorcycles are cool, maybe you can work on a small batch for JUNK’D? Weapon options and what not…I’m thinking more paper minis, but VTT might be cool for that game also. Something to mull over.:red_car::red_car::racing_car::police_car:


That sounds awesome: a pack of vehicle mods. I’m writing that down. Cool thing about all my tokens is they are drawn close to scale (1" = 5’), so you can put them in any software you’d like and print them off and they’re ready to go. :slight_smile:


The car illustrations are reminding me of a game I played back in the day called Car Wars. It would be really sweet to see some combat modified vehicles.


That’s the third time I’ve hear that, haha! The first time I heard of it I had to Google it, turns out it looks pretty cool! I’m honored to be mistaken for something cool. :slight_smile:


To be honest, it’s really kind of a turd of a game mechanically but it holds some nostalgia for me. The concept is really cool though. Your art is cool man, no mistake there!


Fantastic work, very useful stuff.


RAWR! I’m not evening messing around! Bathrooms are up (