Kid-Friendly Character Sheets



i second that idea. lol


This sheet has it all! Very inspiring, you did a great job. :slight_smile:


Thanks everyone, that means a lot to me!


Kind of a side note, has anyone tried to print out the different variations of character sheets and show them to kids to see which ones are more appealing? Maybe we could set up cognitive age ranges (Erickson’s 3-5, 6-11, 12-18 could be a good base range) and set up a survey for the Runehammer forum. We’d need a collection of the current character sheets numbered or named for distinction. It would be a small sample size but the results could help guide GMs in the right direction.


I personally have noted (anecdotally) that pre-teens tend to gravitate towards card sized objects (think phones, or Magic cards) so maybe the better character sheet is actually one that is a small deck which can be spread out and shuffled, adding a new tactile dimension to the table top experience. Maybe bio is one card, background is another card, six stats are a card, loot is a card, hero cards instead of coins, etc. Putting the Index Card back in ICRPG.


I don’t know if I’ll do it on playing cards, but I have thought about making a smaller sized, simple sheet. Like 4 would fit on an 8.5 x 11 paper. I’ll keep ya posted if I get around to it!


These archetype designs could be incorporated for one page/card. Perhaps without the picture and a little less guided.


Thanks sweenie. When I put those cards together I did think about making them as already layed out character sheets with all the content pre printed. Ultimately I decided against it as:

  • It removes a level of personalisation and connection to the character, when copying out the details from a card into your sheet, you have to actively read and learn the character, if you want different weapons or to add flavour then you can as well as you copy.

  • It gets messy if the character loses a weapon or stat that was pre printed on them you have to scribble on it.

  • We already have the Heroes of the Hammer resource from Hank that gives us this.

The quick reference cards were a resource so that a player could put together a character quickly, but not be given a set character, if that makes sense.

In the spirit of the shield wall, all the info on the cards was from CORE anyway and you are welcome to make a copy and adapt as needed.


I just added another sheet at the top of this thread that contains 4 smaller sheets on one print out. It’s not identical to the first, but still has a partial distance tracker, 2 blank circles for tracking things like Hero Coins, etc, and then 3 blank squares for placing dice that track Spell Burn or whatever else you may want. The Loot area is small, but I really wanted to cram a full sheet onto this size for those people who like to fit a detailed character sheet into their journals or whatnot.


Awesome on top of awesome!


Just a quick demo of what I was thinking about. One Character Sheet split into 6 MTG sized cards.


Those are cool. I may try something like that eventually. I have a couple of projects I’m trying to rush out right now. :wink:


i love this!! Great job this really helps to make an easier educational loop hole as i like to call it for my family. I have found how to combine story plots (essays and grammar) for game night and add history and business ethics and math to give added bonuses and hit hit points on attacks and all kinds of things. the best tool my daughter likes is the multiples and division speed drills for extra any things lol thanks keep up the good work


Any chance of these sheets being available as PDFs?


If I find a good place to upload them and then share a link, I’d love to. There isn’t a way to upload PDFs to this forum, correct? Any advice on best way to do so, fellow computer users? Like can I use something like One Drive to upload them and then create a link to share here?


Maybe not ideal, but there’s always here:

Or, just throw it in Google Drive and share a public link.


Alright, I’ve been working on getting a lot of my work into PDF’s or just refining it to meet guidelines. As soon as it’s all uploaded to OneDrive, I’ll just make a new post on the forum with the link and it’ll contain all of my work including character sheets, so just be watching for that. Thanks!


This is exactly what I’m working on! I want a deck I can carry around with some prefab stat spreads (using a paperclip along a row of 10 hearts and a skull to track health–thanks Ironsworn for the idea!) and be able to just jump into a loot run (or whatever) and burn an hour or two while waiting somewhere.

I’ve included a “Trait” type of card which will include quirks (“OCD cleaner”), vices (“alkie fresh off a weekend bender”), roles (“gnarled hermit”), etc., with three related tags. They are a “take it or leave it” proposition, meaning that there’s incentive (hero coin) for using them to cause trouble for the group, but there’s no downside to not including them; those traits can affect the character as much (or as little) as desired by the player.

I really like your “Hero Coin as card” idea! One of those “Why didn’t I think of that?”-type things.


Really cool… from what i see it should help young players definitely with the icons… nice touch… depending on the age i might go with “passing out” instead of dying but not to take away anything from the awesome layout… nice work


Inspired by the great sheets posted here, I’ve crafted a “dwarfish” variation, tweaking some of the sheet to adjust the sheet to my group. I’ve removed some stuff but of course you can add it if you want.

Added an english version and a portuguese version.