I'm working on an ICRPG Pro Wrestling game. Gauging interest


Well, it’s just as it sounds.nits been a goal of mine to make a Pro Wrestling ROg since I was a teenager, it’s gone through many versions in many systems and never really felt quite right. But I’m trying again using ICRPG as a base and I think it’s running like I’d like it to so far. Playtesting has been positive

I’m working on a rulebook for it which is still in a very early stage as lots of new mechanics are still being playrested

What I’m looking for is some feedback. Anyone interested in the project can have access to my document, make suggestions for the game, and help playtest with their friends maybe even online with me of schedules match up. Your experiences and suggestions will be taken seriously and may be incorporated directly into the game.

But I’m a rookie writer and am just trying to take it seriously for the first time. Would really like some critique of not just the game and mechanics, but also of my writing and style. Be brutal! I want to get better!

You’ll all be thanked and mentioned within the text and you characters can become part of the roster in the “beastiary” of the game. So join me! Find glory! Enter the squared circle and show the rest of these roody poo candy ass jabronis who the real bad guy of the Fed is!

Also, for reference, the game assumes wrestling is a real sport and any and all angles are real. That’s right, it’s ALL REAL. If the Undertaker exists in this game, he actually is a dead man risen from the grave… So it’s written for over the top action and takes a lot of inspiration from the attitude era of wrestling and ECW style hardcore wrestling of the 90’s

The Doors of Eden : Warp Shell-adjacent story

If you are not already familiar with it, but I feel this could be a good inspiration: https://ndpdesign.com/wwwrpg


Yes, I’ve seen that. Good stuff but not quite capturing what I want. I’ve also gone over wild world wrestling (successor to Know your Role RPG) and a couple of other things around the webs. But I think I’ve got to do my own.

But yes, I will be drawing se inspiration from this, thanks for the suggestion!