HEARTS as Distance, EFFORT as Travel




An idea I had while dancing with my daughter was to use Index Card RPG HEART as Distance. Then building on that using EFFORT as Travel. Then a few other people in Kane’s Kiln Discord added the idea of SUPPLY to make it so you can do resource management. Also use this as a hex crawl measure.


  • Phil
  • Andrew | s5photog | 2716 Gaming
  • Kane Driscol
  • Chlodwig Chub [Clo-Vis]
  • CJRD4 / David
  • NightWorm - Jojo
  • The whole Kane’s Kiln Discord group!

The Download

Hex Crawling with HEARTS & EFFORT
Game design book, Ryuutama, and thanks to Runehammer
Learning from HEART: Give your scenes HP
Travel as Challenge
Hitting the road

It does need some play testing to make sure things feel fairly good. Once play tested sufficiently, I’ll increment the version to v1.0.0 and re-upload.


Happy to contribute!!! :fire::fire::fire:


I’m not sure how we would plsytest but if I can help just ask.


I see a few possibilities.

One is a guided narrative game that uses this measurement to travel. Then using something like the Hazard Dice System, or Dicegeek’s best/worst scenario and a d6 Oracle for random events and such. I’m biased towards randomly generated hex crawls and adventure so that’s where my mind goes.

Another would be to find or make a map and use it as the basis for the traveling adventure. The hex portion is going to have to be massaged by the GM. Like, knowing a Close/1 Heart distance village is 2 hexes away. The players make an effort roll of 5 using horses. This would mean they’re half way there and roughly out the players in the middle of the hex. One or two more nights travel to get to their destination.

Does that help answer your question? I may need to add more pages instead of trying to make this a one pager.


Once I can get my Bronze Age Game out of development and players at a table I would love to test this for exploration. as much of the bronze age does not have accurate maps and is largely unexplored


you could make it so dice explode on max effort to add those crazy moments to travel when you have a stroke of luck or find a shortcut


What about random encounters? How is that played into your great chart?


This should be cover in paragraph 4. I said to use someone else’s encounter tables. You can do the classic 1-in-6 chance of an encounter or use a d4 timer with the rest of the D.E.W., 3-Ts, 3-Ds to keep the pressure on or just at the end of the timer an event happens.

I felt if I went much further in detail about that stuff I’d be making an actual book and need more context and tables rehashing what many other great minds have toiled over.


You could also “Ask the Oracle” similar to this. Roll a d6 and attempt to roll higher or equal to the number to get a yes. Then use the best/worst case to flavor the result.

Oracle 2 in this case is a roll under or equal to.


This is very similar to what I have as well. Probably better though.


Another fantastic supplement for travel: Hex Craling with Hearts


Related concept/food for thought: Learning from HEART: Give your scenes HP