Guilds, Gangs, and Groups



Hey lumpy heads, I brought this up on the Immortal discord server but I figure this is another great place to pose this thought. I’m just curious as to what types of factions, organizations, guilds, etc. you shield Waller’s include in your games. I’m trying to come up with some inspiration for my home brew world. Right now I’m trying to think of some cool ideas for mage colleges and cults, but I would love to hear your favorite factions that you use or have seen being used. Also, here are the factions I’ve come up with so far. Hopefully it will inspire some of you guys the way you guys inspire me.

Nobility of the rope
LFG: Nobility of the Rope now full!

The reference to Mah Muhl in the good boys is a race of dog / cat people from my home brew world. Also the tengu are kenku. I use the terms interchangeably because the kenku are semi based off of the Japanese lore of tengu. Some of these groups have allusion to 5e dnd classes, because I started the google doc before I transitioned my group over to icrpg. I just haven’t removed those parts yet.