First 5 Room Dungeon: Lair of the Watermancer


After Watching Hankerin’s video on 5 room dungeons, and immediately down loading and reading John Four’s role playing tips. inspiration was inevitable! Use it if you want it, feedback welcome as I hope to run it this weekend.

Room 1: Small Town (CR 13)

11 Buildings in a square.

Of note are the Inn and Stables (South), Shrine of the Mists (North), Guard House (North East), Blacksmith Shop (North West) and the General Goods Shop (Middle East). In the center of the square is a large well.

Town Folk

  • Inn Owner :heart: Barmaid :heart:
  • Merchant :heart:
  • Blacksmith :heart::heart: Apprentice :heart:
  • Guard Captain :heart::heart:

As the party explores the town guardian attacks (in D4 rounds) emerging from the well in the center of town.

Giant Water elemental :heart::heart::heart:

  • magic effort on melee (water fists)
  • weapon effort on range (water ball)
  • can not range far
  • piercing and slashing weapons do ½ effort against

Room 2: The Shrine of Mist (CR12)

Party goes to the see the Mist acolyte (secretly a watermancer cultist ½ :heart:) to find out more

Challenge find the secret passage in the alcove behind the alter.

  • Mist Acolyte uses deception Vs. Int.
  • Illusions Vs. Hard Wis
  • Pick the lock Vs Dex or Smash the door Vs. Str

Room 3: The Water Trap (CR13)

The hidden entrance leads down through a rough stone cut stairs and opens into a round room. A small opening in the far wall goes down further. A small cistern is in the center of the room and floor grates extend from the shrine cutting the room in half. Side A entrance. Side B exit. As party heads towards the exit, trap activates catching ½ the party on each side separated by a wall of water. The water flows up from grates to ceiling. Side B stays dry, but side A starts to fill with water and will fill completely in D6 turns. Entrance is shut by stones collapsing.

Party can be creative to get through the torrent of water rising from the floor grates of might be able to find the release levers on both sides of the cistern. Levers must be activated at the same time. Side A Vs. Hard Con roll.

Room 4: Watermancer’s Lair (CR 12)

The second set of stairs leads to a large damp room, with puddles scattered everywhere. The room is set up like an alchemists lab.

  • Watermancer :heart::heart:
    • attacks near/far magic effort water bolts
    • summon water fiend
  • Water Fiend
    • 2 actions per turn
    • Claws mouth D6 effort
    • can blink between puddles as if it were near
    • pounce attack Vs. Easy Str, fail ultimate effort

Room 5: Escape (CR 10)


  • wand of water bolt +1 attempt, magic effort
  • Book of Watermancer (lead to next session)

Loot Random: distribute for class

  • Salamander wristlet regenerate 1/round except for dying
  • Carapace, +1 armor
  • Liquid Armour Kit +2 armor Vs. pierce or slashing
  • Water seeing goggles, makes eye see in fish eye view, +2 Dex

Party finds their way back to surface and make it back to town.


So I finally got a group to play IC RPG (on roll20) and the first foray was this 5 room dungeon. We are all brand new to ICRPG, but we probably have close to 150 years of combined RPG play experience between us. Over two sessions and about 3.5 hours we got the first 4 rooms done.

The party is made up of: Hill Folk Blade, Small Folk Shadow, Elf Kind Scout and a Dwarf Priest. In room 3 the trap went off and they ended up using 2 hearts of effort in wisdom rolls to figure out the release mechanism, except for the Blade who just tried to smash the cistern. This made them extremely paranoid as the traveled down the passage to the Water Mancer’s Lair (room 4).

Once the entered room 4, the blade went down to one of the water fiends to a natural 20 rolling a 6 on a D6 and another 6 on the D12 of damage. The rest of the party freaked out and we had our very first “Don’t die on me man!” moment. The healer who hadn’t made a successful attempt for a spell pulled one off and had the tank back up. That earned the priest a hero coin. Followed by the Scout rapid firing with the speed quiver and taking the Water Mancer’s down in what was a flurry of arrows earning him hero coin as well.

Next session will begin with looting and the escape.

We are all in our 50ies, and we have been playing RPG’s since 1979. I can’t remember ever playing with this much laughter and this many memorable moments over such a short period of time in all my years of gaming. What a wonderful system. I just hope I can keep the same standard up as we continue to play.


Totally kick ass. You rocked it and everyone had a good time!!!

There is a ton of resources on these forums, here is one I hope might inspire some additional ways to keep the game at top entertainment level!!