
Congratulations!!! And you are currently #4 best selling on DTRPG.
Oh, and I got it as soon as I was on a personal computer after you announced it!


Looks like maybe #1 on hottest small press atm.


Ran my first game with it tonight with my kids. Did it Shadowrun style. They had a blast!


Sweeeeet!!! That’s awesome!! :grinning:


Just read through it all the way and ready to get a group together!


Great job Alex! :metal:t3:

Really enjoyed reading it and hyped to get a game going!

Specially liked the monsters, vehicles and items :heart_eyes:


Really awesome! I am super glad you liked it, and I am humbled by the positive reaction from the community.


Dude!!! Ahhh…been waiting for this!


This. Is. So. Bleeping. Awesome.

What an accomplishment.


@Lon That means the world, my friend. Thank you very much.


I am liking the map making stuff!


I wish I could give this two hearts.

Oh wait, I can! :heart::heart:

Plus a hero coin!!! :herocoin:

Totally killer.


Thanks Alex! I downloaded the assets on my iphone and made it on the Keynote app.


Congratulations on the release and the reception! It was seeing “Altered State” on DTRPG a few days ago that introduced me to ICRPG.


Thank you very much, and that’s super awesome about ICRPG! Welcome to the Shield Wall!!


Welcome to the club!


I am tasked with running this for 6 players through Roll20 next Monday. There is no Roll20 sheet is there?


Here’s the latest status @Chaosmeister on Seraphim’s work on the Roll20 character sheet for ICRPG, which also includes Altered State options.


Yup, that’s right. I already updated it and the updates got uploaded just last night. So there should be a healing effort and rage dice box found in Altered State options, next to everything there was before.

The sheet is uploaded under the name: Index Card RPG Core 2e and has a lot of extendable options. Try clicking the checkmarks!


I did some Target graphics for my upcoming online game, maybe someone else gets use out of these.
AS_Target10 AS_Target11 AS_Target12 AS_Target13 AS_Target14 AS_Target15 AS_Target16 AS_Target17 AS_Target18 AS_Target19 AS_Target20