Writing prompt: Stat my sword!



Writing/mechanical prompt:
Stat my sword!
I drew a sword to get back into the artistic space of my brain, now I’d like to see how people might stat it for their game. Cheers mates!


Definitely looks like it has water current properties. Here’s my ideas:

  1. The sword creates a blade from any liquid it is thrust into. The effects of that liquid are up to the player and the dm.

2 the sword is made of ever flowing water and ice. It can instantly gain the properties of any type of melee weapon according to the will of the wielder.

I like magic items where unique effects that allow for creativity supercede hard written stats.


Blade of the Changing Tides

  • Weapon Damage, 6s Explode.
  • You may add the current value showing on DM’s Timer or End of Session Dice to combat attempts with this blade.
  • Once per session you may be carried by a wave FAR across a liquid surface (within line of sight of start point) and attack for Ultimate Damage, 12s Explode.


D6 effort…yep. All I got.


Sword of the Four Elements

Description: With the blade of water, lightning crystal, stone pommel, and mist aura, the Sword of the Four Elements can summon forth one element a day at its wielders command:

Water: A wave erupts from the blade of the sword - knocking back an enemy FAR and dealing magic damage, if they hit a wall instead deal ultimate damage

Fire: Set an enemy ABLAZE, while ABLAZE enemies take basic damage at the start of their turns and all rolls they make are Hard. ABLAZE lasts for a d4 rounds.

Earth: Chunks of stone and dirt lift from the ground and surround a target of your choice, while surrounded they cannot move. The earth barrier has two hearts.

Wind: Sends the wielder up into the air for a d4 rounds, while in the air they cannot be hit by melee attacks and all ranged attacks against them are Hard. After this effect ends, the user may land safely at there takeoff point or anywhere within a FAR distance of it.


Very cool. Weapon Effort/ x2 vs water creatures, purify water once per day, heal magic effort once per day. Walk on water. Also cool lol.


The Sword of Blackwave Bottom :crossed_swords:

Forged in Norburg by the Three Hero Kings. The sword will only fight against evil and cannot be used to harm anyone who is innocent and pure of heart. Having been forged from magic and quenched with the waters of the Blackwave sea, the power of ocean waves and wind can be summoned once a day to do ULTIMATE damage to every evil thing within NEAR of its bearer. It can extinguish fire elementals and does MAGIC damage to everything else. Only earth elementals are immune to its power.



Seastorm. The blade does normal weapon damage in melee, except to fire or heat-based targets to which it does ultimate damage. The glowing crystal can absorb up to 2 hearts of lightning damage directed at the sword or its wielder. The wielder may expend a heart of absorbed energy to make a ranged lightning attack, for magic damage.


The Torch of Vallothos

“Charges” with sunlight, negating the need for a torch in dark areas. However it can run out after several hours. (Basically the fantasy version of glow in the dark paint)

Uncharged: d6 Weapon Damage.
Charged: d8 Exploding Magic Damage, d12 Ultimate vs Spectral beings.



Takes one skipped turn to charge. It summons humidity from it’s surroundings during that turn. The blade shimmers and moves as though made of liquid. A storm forms around the hilt with clouds moving and dancing around it’s entirety. Damage does 1d6 plus ultimate plus d6 as the blade sucks moisture from within the body of the target. The storm continues to grow with each hit made in succession and damage increase from 1d6 plus ultimate plus d8 then d10 then d12 then d20. When a miss happens, the storm blows over and it takes another missed turn of concentration to summon humidity from surroundings to get the cyclone storm going again.