World building. The first episode


My brothers on the shield wall get the first look…

Tell me what you think?


I like it. I love how you use the mini to make it a conversation instead of ‘I’m going to explain everything’. It gives a good dynamic on the video.

I also like how you take your time to talk and explain. It makes me able to focus on what you are saying and not drift away like I often have in (for example) Matt Colville’s video’s. I think the pacing of the video is good. I’m curious to see what the series will go towards.


Kick ass!!!
Better than before, audio is still a bit off. I hear static listening on my iPhone until 50% volume. I honestly forgot the setting that sets that but I believe you have your microphone set too high. Others with more current audio experience can let you know.

I believe you can make it a bit tighter, your minion got out of character by being unsure of himself. Um, while I love in my day to day, should not come from an authority unless there is some level of sarcasm involved.
Oddly I also think you can expound more on the different approaches and why you prefer spiral method.
Perhaps explain a mixed top down, spiral method, where you create the gods, races, archetypes, but then focus on a city and let nuance in… all that said I have yet to post one video so you are miles ahead of me…I need to buy a mic and just make something using my phone.
I’m just going to say, improve audio.


I like it and agreed, adding the token as a talking part is original. My suggestion would be additional talking points under your titles on the pop ups. Top-down — > big picture, a lot of work, grander scale (for example). But as a moving forward suggestion; not a now thing. I think this is good as is!


Thanks for the feed back, it’s much appreciated. I’ll try to figure out what the problem with my audio is.


Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed it. :metal: