WIP Digimon ICRPG Hack



I’m not sure how much the venn diagram of rpg lovers and digimon fans overlaps here on the shield wall but I’ve been brainstorming a way of bringing my favorite nostalgia driven franchise to the gaming table. At this point I’m just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks and I’m curious to see what others may think. I will be using terms that I would assume most casual digimon fans or ICRPG players would have at least a working knowledge of. For the most part rules would follow the ICRPG Core 2E. My hope is that this could also be used as a “growing monster” companion in a more standard game. Nothing is to be taken too seriously and in the spirit of what we do, most of this is pretty loose so without further adieu, here we go!



Some things I know I forgot to mention is range for attacks can be selected at creation and follow the CLOSE, NEAR, FAR rules. Movement is the same and digimon get as many actions a turn as a PC would normally. Again, if somethings not there follow your gut and Core 2.0. Typically you and the Digimon have the same initiative and act interdependently from one another- again your PC is there more for you to roleplay as and give boosts to your digimon who do the actual fighting.


Digimon is absolutely one of my favorite childhood nostalgic animes. Thank you for this.


You’re welcome! I hope it’s at least a half way decent start. If you try to run it let me know, I’d love to hear how it went.