What Print Version


Hi all

Just getting familiar with ICRPG (I really like it) and I noticed the latest pdf release on Drivethrurpg says 1.7 but in the pdf itself, it says 1.6. Is there an issue here? Similarly, when I buy the hardback, will it be 1.7 or 1.6?

Thanks all.


Hey @Blackadder, the best place to grab ICRPG is at the Runehammer Store:


That being said, the current version of ICRPG Master Edition is 1.7. Even though the cover page of the doc says 1.6, I am pretty sure that text just didn’t get updated. If you have the DIGITAL 1.7 filename doc, that is the latest one.


Hi Alex

Thanks for the reply. Good to know I’ll have the 1.7 print run, regardless. I’m in the UK so ordering from the Runehammer site isn’t an option. That said, there seems to be plenty in stock over here. I’ve just asked one of the online retailers to check what print version they have in stock :slight_smile:


Epic. I am not at home to check my physical copy, but I can let you know when I hit the door in a while.


My print copies from Modiphius do no specify. That page is blank. I anticipate they are 1.7. If you find one in stock, that is the correct version.


Ok thank you for checking, Alex.


If you’re going to buy a hardcover, I suggest getting it through the Runehammer Store (https://www.runehammer.online/online-store). Cheaper (by a significant margin) and friendlier than Modiphius, IMHO and experience.

And it comes with the PDF included. So buy once.


I think, @nilblank, you missed that part where he would like to order from the Runehammer store but is in the UK.


Indeed. Knowledge base updated. :slight_smile:


Your advice is still outstanding! Sadly, it’s not an option in this case. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey man. Do you know if the runehammer store ships to Brazil…? I’m thinking about buying a print version of the master edition from DTRPG because of the credits I have there but if it’s better for Hank if we get stuff from the store I’ll do it there.


It should be able to. If not, or if the shipping is crazy expensive, hit me up, and let’s work through the shipping goblins. :crossed_swords:

For the record, the DTRPG would be the black and white paperback version but the one from the Runehammer store will be either the red and black hardcover Master Edition or the hardcover Collector’s edition.


Hey, Kane!

For the past half a year or I have been disconnected from almost everything RPG related due to some health issues so forgive me if I’m back asking all kinds of basic questions. I’m really not aware of the differences between the versions. I imagine there’s a video somewhere in one of the ICRPG-focused channels? Thanks in advance, sir.


All good! Happy to answer whatever you’ve got (can’t promise a good answer through :wink: )

So whether you get the book from DTRPG, the Master Edition, or the Collectors edition, the content will all be the same. You’ll get the rules, the five settings, the magic system, loot tables etc.

If you get the DTRPG version, it will be black and white and softcover. Really great table copies and books you can share and carry with you without worry.

The Master Edition has a red, black and white cover and colored interior.

The Collector Edition has an all black faux leather cover with a red wizard lock embossed on the front with red foil. The title isn’t even on the spine so it’s sleek. It also has two book mark ribbons.

All in all, you can’t go wrong with any version you pick up. Hope that helps clear things up and glad to have you back with us. Hope the health keeps improving :metal:


Damn, man, that was a master class. Thank you for the info and for your kind words.

I’m only tempted to buy on DTRPG because I’ve got 50 bucks in credits there. With taxes and shipping that $16.50 book actually costs me almost $60. Yeah. The joys of being a gamer in a third world country, brother, you have no idea.