What Lurks Below Mid Afternoon Game@ Runejammer



Time is short! Perform an ancient ritual and stop the awakening of a slumbering beast not seen in millennia. Other factions are in play, and they seek to control the power of the beast for their own purposes…

Visit https://runejammer24.sched.com/event/6c87ad129343add1da13a9f2f0b87b75 to sign up on Sched, and see http://www.runejammer.com/ for all the details on the rest of our completely free, week-long. around-the-clock, grassroots online gaming event, in celebration of all things Runehammer. :shield:


i still have 4 spots left for brave adventurers. feel free to come with your friends for an adventure steeped in mystery and danger


We still have spots for 4 players, a great evil seeks to control a millennia’s old creature of the deep. the damage caused if you fail will reshape the region


we have 2 brave adventurers but still have room for more if you have always wanted to get onto a game this a great time to try.