What is Viking Death Squad?


I have seen it refernced here a bunch and from @Runehammer. But no idea what it actually is! With an awesome name like that I need to know more.


Viking Death Squad is a new RPG currently in development at Runehammer Games. Details are available to Patrons as the work unfolds.

You can also find information here:



Got it, that sounds awesome!

More reason for me to join the patreon in 2021…


Hey Arc (legendary name, btw… a story I’d love to tell some day) Viking Death Squad is an rpg idea that started almost 4 years ago, and is finally congealing into a full-fledged RPG. It will be my biggest, most complete project since ICRPG core and I am beyond psyched.
To participate and keep up to date on its develpment, patreon and especially discord are where its at



The little that I can see as a non-patreon member looks awesome. I love the art! I just happened to see your Insta story with the picture of the character sheet and I have to say it looks amazing (which prompted me to ask about it here). Now that I know a bit I am pumped to see more.

As for the name, not so epic… I used to play a lot of Neverwinter Nights back in the day before I knew anyone else to play D&D with in real life and named my rangers wolf companion Arc, I just always really liked it ever since so use it here and there for a handle. But maybe with that nice word of encouragement I will start incorporating that wolf as an NPC in my games.


Runehammer’s Viking Death Squad Video

Here’s the video where Hank talks about Viking Death Squad in its original incarnation as a one-shot tournament game based on tasty metal tunes. Hope that helps!