Viking Box!


Not super related to RPGs, but I wanted to show off a storage box I created for my Tiny Epic Vikings board game with its expansions (since they don’t fit in base box alone). Bought the box for $6, wood burned, and then stained it.

I’m sharing here because now i want to make another one to carry my ICRPG contents in LOL. Thanks for looking!


Inspiring and fantastic. Your box made me lookup Tiny Epic Vikings as it oozes adventure and wilder things. I love how the engraving looks good even over the curved edge. How did you do that?


@waungaer, yeah I’ve been playing it a bunch lately and then received the expansions just recently.

Just carefully I guess LOL. I just use a hand held wood burner and kind of rotated the box on its back to be able to do the rounded front edge.


Very nice! Did you use a pencil to sketch where you would burn the box?


Yep. I do the old trick of covering the back of drawing in pencil lead, then place that side down on the box, tape it in place, and then trace the image with something hard like a pen. Transfers the pencil lines right onto wood.


You could also use carbon paper. Recently, I got a small tub of “torch paste”, this stuff is pretty cool. Paint it on, let it soak into the wood for a bit, then hit it with a heat gun.