Vigilante City Characters


Blue Comet - Hero

Armor 15
DEX +5
Stun points 10

STAR DUST - Immortality
High tech fabric that is fire proof, tear proof, protects against cold
and vacuum, and contains 5 SUPPLY of micro food and nutrients
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.
5 different civilian uniforms, hats, wigs and spectacles.


Release destructive bursts of energy on command.
This blast can be described a myriad of ways
SP COST 1: Unleash a single blast of energy with a DEX
roll. It inflicts ULTIMATE damage, FAR range, and ig-
nores traditional armor properties
SP COST 2: Fire an unstoppable linear beam of destruc-
tion with a DEX roll. It has a range you control up to a
half mile, and does ULTIMATE damage to anything in
the straight line path
SP COST 3: Blast energy in all directions, in missiles, a
wave or dome. All targets within FAR must roll DEX to
find cover, or evade, or take 3D12 damage. Those who
succeed still take half the damage

By some means, you can fly with amazing speed and
precision. No SP cost for normal MOVES
SP COST 1: Perform a burst of flight speed. Move up to
DOUBLE FAR in a mostly straight line, blasting through
obstacles with STR and being HARD to hit
SP COST 2: Fly with uncanny precision and dynamic
trajectory. Describe a wild, unprecedented maneuver
such as threading the needle, spinning a turbine, or
intercepting a jet. Execute successfully with a STR roll
SP COST 3: Execute sustained supersonic flight with a
STR roll. You can hold this speed, in any environment,
until you are injured, STUNNED, or use another POWER

You can use the power of thought to affect physical
objects and materials
SP COST 1: Move or alter small objects with no roll
SP COST 2: With an INT roll, lift, hurl or destroy any
object or mass up to a car in size. This POWER can be
used to achieve flight by ‘hurling’ yourself or others.
If a target is resisting your power, they can roll against
your INT roll
SP COST 3: Roll INT to describe a wild feat of teleki-
netic power. Send a bus flying, crumple a tank, topple
a house, bring down a helicopter or lift a huge mass
of concrete. This effect can be sustained until you are
damaged, STUNNED, or use another POWER.

Color red ( stunned)

  • Energy Blast mastery

The Brute - Villain

STR +7 INT -2
Armor 15
:heart: :heart: 10 hp each
Stun Points - 10

HEARTSTONE - Extra heart


You are exponentially stronger than any human could
ever be
SP COST 1: When you attack with your fists or a melee
weapon, roll ULTIMATE + STR damage.
SP COST 2: Roll STR to perform a feat of super strength
such as throwing a car, ripping a bus apart, stopping a
train or swinging a small boat by its anchor.
SP COST 3: With a STR roll, perform an unbelievable
demonstration of strength and leverage. Catch a fly-
ing jetliner, knock over a small building, throw a cargo
ship, crush a submarine, pull a rocket from orbit, or
hold your ground in a colossal tsunami.

IMMUNITY - Firearms
You are impervious to a certain kind of harm. Use
your description to be as specific as possible
Suggested immunity types: Blades, Bullets, Fire, Ice,
Water, Stone, Energy, Punches or blunt force, Poison,
Magic, Stun
SP COST 1: All uses of IMMUNITY cost 1 SP. Any time
the specified damage type hits you, choose to be im-
mune or not, and pay SP at that moment

You can heal and regrow injury and damaged tissues
SP COST 1: Shrug off either the entire HP or SP inflicted
on you in the previous ROUND with a CON roll
SP COST 2: Roll CON to recover to full SP or HP
SP COST 3: As long as you have 3 SP when killed,
dropped, or blown to bits, regrow tissues, broken
bones and severed limbs from ANY state of death in
1D6 ROUNDS. Return to action with 1 HP and 1 SP. If
your REGENERATION TIMER is longer than your DYING
TIMER, this effect cannot take place in time and you
die as normal, must roll a natural 20, or need help from
an ally to avoid permanent

Time Bandit - Villain

+5 DEX +5 INT
Armor 13
:heart: 10hp

TIME MACHINE - Hard INT roll to use
A bulky but capable weapon of future wars.
Can be modded to take custom ammo, a secondary weapon,
flame unit or STUN grenade launcher.
Clunky but effective protection. +3 ARMOR, reduce any STUN
damage done to you in any attack by 1.
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.


A POWER than enables flexible teleportation
SP COST 1: Zap from one place to another, moving
NEAR or FAR instantly. No roll is needed
SP COST 2: Open dynamic portals, in a pair, that are
linked, with an INT roll. They are 8 feet across, and fea-
ture inter-dimensional energies. They are only open
for 1D4 TURNS (not ROUNDS!) and they do not have
any pulling force or suction. The furthest portal must
be within DOUBLE FAR of you
SP COST 3: Create and interlink up to 6 portals with an
INT roll. Conjure baffling, highly complex portal linkage
in any sequence or arrangement. The portals are now
up to 16 feet across The furthest portal must be within
1 mile of you

You are a master of inventions and amazing machines.
This may be innate ability or super power, depending
on your description
SP COST 1: Fix absolutely anything mechanical instant-
ly with an INT roll. It is restored to its full function
SP COST 2: Create wondrous gadgets from scraps in-
stantly with an INT roll. These gadgets have abilities
WEAPONS and the like
SP COST 3: Change, combine or modify machines to be
remotely controlled by your input device, mental mes-
sages or voice commands with an INT roll. The modifi-
cation take 1D4 rounds to complete

You have a knack for walking away from explosions
SP COST 1: Re roll any roll, be it ATTEMPT or EFFORT
SP COST 2: When something bad happens to you, such
as STUN, injury, mishap or failure, describe a way in
which it aids you or your team
SP COST 3: If a situation would reduce you to 0 HP, 0
SP, crush you, burn you to ashes or blow you to pieces,
find a way to describe how you narrowly avoided all
harm, with just a few bruises and a smile

The Spider - Hero or Villain?

+5 STR +5 DEX
Armor 10
:heart: 10hp
Stun Points 10

WEB SHOOTERS - STR roll to break free
High tech fabric that is fire proof, tear proof, protects against cold
and vacuum, and contains 5 SUPPLY of micro food and nutrients
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.
5 different civilian uniforms, hats, wigs and spectacles.

Perform near-impossible maneuvers, evasion, or
stunts using DEX
SP COST 1: Use any terrain to maneuver: Roll DEX to
roll, swing, flip or tumble in roofs, vehicles, tightropes
or flagpoles to move FAR. When moving in this way,
you cannot be harmed on that ROUND
SP COST 2: Evade an attack against you, instantly, once
per ROUND with a DEX roll
SP COST 3: Perform an incredible stunt on your TURN.
Describe any feasible move, with all kinds of possible
or specific outcomes and aspects. Make it with a DEX

See, smell or hear for miles, or detect subtle details
with touch
SP COST 1: See, hear or smell with a WIS roll, but with
a range of 5 miles
SP COST 2: Touch a surface, person or object. With a
WIS roll, discern a vast amount of information on that
subject by trace evidence
SP COST 3: Choose one sense to describe this POWER.
With that sense only, a WIS roll can be used to sense
through solid matter, vast distances, or blocking mea-
sures. It is almost impossible to hide from your keen
awareness, even in the stars

You are exponentially stronger than any human could
ever be
SP COST 1: When you attack with your fists or a melee
weapon, roll ULTIMATE + STR damage.
SP COST 2: Roll STR to perform a feat of super strength
such as throwing a car, ripping a bus apart, stopping a
train or swinging a small boat by its anchor.
SP COST 3: With a STR roll, perform an unbelievable
demonstration of strength and leverage. Catch a fly-
ing jetliner, knock over a small building, throw a cargo
ship, crush a submarine, pull a rocket from orbit, or
hold your ground in a colossal tsunami.

Robbing Hood - Villain

+5 DEX +5 Weapon
:heart: 10hp
Stun Points 10

SPEED QUIVER - On a modified attack roll of 13+ make another attack roll. No limit
LONG BOW with arrows
High tech fabric that is fire proof, tear proof, protects against cold
and vacuum, and contains 5 SUPPLY of micro food and nutrients
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.


Perform near-impossible maneuvers, evasion, or
stunts using DEX
SP COST 1: Use any terrain to maneuver: Roll DEX to
roll, swing, flip or tumble in roofs, vehicles, tightropes
or flagpoles to move FAR. When moving in this way,
you cannot be harmed on that ROUND
SP COST 2: Evade an attack against you, instantly, once
per ROUND with a DEX roll
SP COST 3: Perform an incredible stunt on your TURN.
Describe any feasible move, with all kinds of possible
or specific outcomes and aspects. Make it with a DEX

You are a master of inventions and amazing machines.
This may be innate ability or super power, depending
on your description
SP COST 1: Fix absolutely anything mechanical instant-
ly with an INT roll. It is restored to its full function
SP COST 2: Create wondrous gadgets from scraps in-
stantly with an INT roll. These gadgets have abilities
WEAPONS and the like
SP COST 3: Change, combine or modify machines to be
remotely controlled by your input device, mental mes-
sages or voice commands with an INT roll. The modifi-
cation take 1D4 rounds to complete

There is no better shot in the world than you. Choose
a specific ranged weapon with which this applies
SP COST 1: Hit a target with your weapon with no roll,
no matter the circumstances or situation
SP COST 2: Use a ricochet, wind, gravity, multi-shot or
other means to hit 1D8 targets with a single motion
and no roll
SP COST 3: With a DEX roll, drop a single target to 0
HP with a single shot. This shot is still subject to the
target’s immunities or special properties, but not their
amount of HEARTS (yes, it’s terribly deadly)

Absorbing Crusher - Hero

STR +5 CON +5
Armor 10
:heart: 10hp
10 stun points

BALL & CHAIN - Near reach for Ultimate damage
High tech fabric that is fire proof, tear proof, protects against cold
and vacuum, and contains 5 SUPPLY of micro food and nutrients
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.
A black ruck sack filled with 3 pipe bombs, a crow bar, folding ladder,
crime scene kit, lock-picks and a signal flare


You are exponentially stronger than any human could
ever be
SP COST 1: When you attack with your fists or a melee
weapon, roll ULTIMATE + STR damage.
SP COST 2: Roll STR to perform a feat of super strength
such as throwing a car, ripping a bus apart, stopping a
train or swinging a small boat by its anchor.
SP COST 3: With a STR roll, perform an unbelievable
demonstration of strength and leverage. Catch a fly-
ing jetliner, knock over a small building, throw a cargo
ship, crush a submarine, pull a rocket from orbit, or
hold your ground in a colossal tsunami.

Change into something, including all of its abilities
when you do so. This form can include its own POW-
ERS or even STATS. BE sure to work with your GM to
create an alternate form that works
SP COST 1: Become your alternate form with no roll,
for 1D4 ROUNDS
SP COST 2: With a CON roll, become your alternate
form until you are reduced to 0 SP
SP COST 3: With a CON roll, become your alternate
form until you are reduced to 0 HP
Reverting from your alternate form is not something
you can control at will

You can heal and regrow injury and damaged tissues
SP COST 1: Shrug off either the entire HP or SP inflicted
on you in the previous ROUND with a CON roll
SP COST 2: Roll CON to recover to full SP or HP
SP COST 3: As long as you have 3 SP when killed,
dropped, or blown to bits, regrow tissues, broken
bones and severed limbs from ANY state of death in
1D6 ROUNDS. Return to action with 1 HP and 1 SP. If
your REGENERATION TIMER is longer than your DYING
TIMER, this effect cannot take place in time and you
die as normal, must roll a natural 20, or need help from
an ally to avoid permanent death

  • Transform into whatever substance he touches. Steel, energy, water, etc…

Captain Frost - Hero

DEX +5 INT +5
Armor 12
:heart: 10hp
Stun points 10

FROST RAY - Magical damage and target must make CON roll or be frozen for 1d6 rounds
PARKA +2 Armor
Keep in touch with teammates at any range, concealed and hands free.
Contains 3 med kits, 3 smoke grenades, rope, and one remote-
Triggered explosive brick


Perform near-impossible maneuvers, evasion, or
stunts using DEX
SP COST 1: Use any terrain to maneuver: Roll DEX to
roll, swing, flip or tumble in roofs, vehicles, tightropes
or flagpoles to move FAR. When moving in this way,
you cannot be harmed on that ROUND
SP COST 2: Evade an attack against you, instantly, once
per ROUND with a DEX roll
SP COST 3: Perform an incredible stunt on your TURN.
Describe any feasible move, with all kinds of possible
or specific outcomes and aspects. Make it with a DEX

You are a master of inventions and amazing machines.
This may be innate ability or super power, depending
on your description
SP COST 1: Fix absolutely anything mechanical instant-
ly with an INT roll. It is restored to its full function
SP COST 2: Create wondrous gadgets from scraps in-
stantly with an INT roll. These gadgets have abilities
WEAPONS and the like
SP COST 3: Change, combine or modify machines to be
remotely controlled by your input device, mental mes-
sages or voice commands with an INT roll. The modifi-
cation take 1D4 rounds to complete

You are impervious to a certain kind of harm. Use
your description to be as specific as possible
Suggested immunity types: Blades, Bullets, Fire, Ice,
Water, Stone, Energy, Punches or blunt force, Poison,
Magic, Stun
SP COST 1: All uses of IMMUNITY cost 1 SP. Any time
the specified damage type hits you, choose to be im-
mune or not, and pay SP at that moment


What was the purpose of posting these? I’m not sure how the community is meant to interact with your post.


I’m always interested in seeing other people’s character builds. I thought someone might be interested in seeing mine.


Might be worthwhile just including that as the first sentence to set the context of what is about to follow.


Here’s one I’m currently running in @Wildstar games.


I really appreciate you sharing these. It really helps to see how the characters are put together.


I like it. :grin: Take a hero coin for Mutant goodness. :herocoin:


I’m glad you like them. Hopefully I will get to see some of your creations. :sunglasses:


@NightHawk7, a new character for your perusal:

I used the concept behind the Iron Clan to make this one. Hachi is a former Iron Clan assassin who has broken free from that life to begin as a good guy. His former mentor, however, has other plans for him.


Sweet! I love that starter loot and brillant variation of all the knives. Amazing Anime style superhero. :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses: