Trackers & Timers


Wanted to share this because it works so well for our table, it’s straight out of Warhammer fantasy, but we use a Warhammer ruler as a tracker / timer, and it can be used for endless different ideas. We use these because they are flat and we can place tokens on the ruler to represent all sorts of timers or events.

Tracker example, we played a one-shot where the players came across goblins throwing torches onto a roadside inn trying to burn it down, the players decide to fend off the goblins whilst trying to rescue the people from inside the inn, we placed a token on the tracker to represent the building burning, each round if the goblins were successful the token moved up a space, if the players threw water on the building to quench the flames, the token moved down the tracker… if the token ever reached a 6, then the building burnt down and anyone left inside was lost. So the tokens can move up or down the scale of the ruler.

Monster Behaviours example, here’s a way it can be used for monster behaviours, let’s say the players are fighting those goblins again, the leader lets out a battle cry and all the goblins are inspired, gaining a +1 or advantage each round for 1d4 rounds… or place a special marker on 4 and 7, each round the timer token moves up a space, when it reaches 4 he goblins pull out a goblin-chicken-launcher, combat continues and when the timer token reaches 7, the launcher malfunctions and explodes in a cloud of chicken feathers with a blast radius.

Event example, the skies darken and in 1d4 rounds the storm arrives, when it hits the timer space, storm hits with torrential rain and lightning, everyone is at disadvantage and must roll a d20, a roll of a 1 they are struck by lightning.

Progress / Effort example, players are trying to pick a lock, and it’s going to require 1 heart of effort, place a token on the 10 space and start counting down as you track effort.

If you use the ruler flat on a dry erase board or battle mat, then you can just use dry erase markers and write next the ruler spaces what events will happen when. Well by now you get the idea and I’m sure you’ll come up with loads more uses. I hope this adds something awesome to your table, I know we use it all the time.

…and sorry Hank, we prefer this method of timer/tracker rather than using a dice, mainly because there’s the distinct visual of the tracker on the table.

Timer Sheet (instead of Timer Dice)

That’s a great idea. Gonna steal it right now and create something for the community.


This is honeslty a brilliant Idea <3. I’d love to give my players something more macroscopic for them to see/track/interact with, yet i never thought of a ruler as the base for tracking everything you just listed, which is, and i repeat myself, fekin brilliant.
@Khan Thanks a lot for that, Khan, mate. I was looking for some printable goodies with the same vibe as this ruler, but i couldn’t find anything besides 3D printable blueprints and whatnot.
Thanks a lot, both of ya. Cheers <3


I finished and uploded the Timer Sheet. More info in this thread:


Thanks a lot! I’m already printing it for my players’s rejoice.
Can’t thank you enough, honeslty <3.


I’ve been staring at my Warhammer ruler and wondered how I could use it for something, since I have a retractable one for when I play Warhammer…

You just made my day. :beer:


Do you have a post version?


Not sure what you mean by post.


Sorry typo. I meant pdf. :slight_smile:


I posted the link in the other thread but here it is:


Thank you. I see that now.



Where can you buy that ruler? Thank you!


This makes me think about the AngryGM’s Whatever Stat!

On another note, who says that the tracker and timers must be exclusive? Perhaps at some point on the tracker a timer could be triggered and vice-versa! :smiley:


EBay perhaps, just search for Warhammer Ruler, you’ll pick one up for just a couple of £s.