Thoughts & Musings


Hi there it’s great to see so many faces to form the SHIELDWALL!!!
I.C. R.P.G continues to grow and that’s awesome

sometime ago created a resources document
That has continued to evolve
Here is the latest incarnation.
It’s tough and ready.
Hope it gives folks some ideas.
By all means constructive criticism is always welcomed.
Wishing you all well.

many congratulations to Hank on his Modiphius Master Book.
Hoping to get a copy for Christmas or first thing in the new year.
It will be great to see I.C.R.P.G in stores and on shelves.
Enough waffling Here is the link to the new file.

It’s huge now !!!
Includes a
Streamlined version
and goes into more depth
Plenty of tables
Wild Dice Mechanics
Plenty of treats
An innovative magic system
Simple Grading Method for skills / Talents.
Various settings
Clocks in at 600+ pages.

If anyone wants a crack at editing this,
by all means get in touch and I can email you the original editable file.


When I opened this, it said it was +600 pages, though that may have been a formatting error. Is there something in here that you’re especially proud of, or want to point out for readers’ consideration?


I’m particularly proud with most of it.
This has been a work in progress since the days of G+
particularly fond of the Maelstrom magic rules.
They have gone through some changes of late.

The Streamlined version that only uses three attributes I think is worth mentioning

proud of the grading system I’ve come up with.
The Critical Hits idea( worked on that yesterday.)

Narrative Tokens have been in there for a while but I think folks may well like that.
What I would love to see is artists mate.
I would be bowled over with that.
Eventually would love to see this become an actual product.
It will also be available in sections via a website in the not so distant future.

Somebody suggested sometime that I should get a Wicki.
That’s what the website will be.