Thoughts and Musings


Here’s a collection of some ideas I’ve been working on.
The idea Iis you pick and choose what you want to use.
It’s a load of info that I hope will enhance your games.
This will get updated from time to time.
So keep checking it once a week.
Lots of changes have been made in the layout the tables section especially.
I hope you get something out of it.


I had bookmarked this a long time ago when you had posted this on G+ :slight_smile: Great work!


Happy to give back to a product and a community that’s given me and others a heck of a lot.
If you enjoy the AE 6 snippet and want more
I have been beavering away on that.
I’m hoping to make that the best it can be.
As for the I.C. materiel expect further additions.
Its got a better contents now.
Spent a while compiling putting a clear list of tables
Any feedback on anything would be great.


Just thought I would let you know Thoughts and Musings is huge now.
Clocks in at over 600 pages.
Check out Thoughts & Musings Revisited.
Now working on its companion.
Eventually I’m hoping to get this all out as a resource website.
Folks can by all means can get in contact and make their own contributions.