The Waste is Not Kind Pregen Roll table



Here is a roll-table to use if you want to get games in The Waste up and running a little quicker. It is a draft so I know formatting will not be perfect or there may be a mistake here and there, but wanted it out there in the world for folks to use if desired.

If you want to join in on future project like this, I have a little “workbench” set up on Kane’s Kiln discord server where ideas for these pre-gens came from. There is also a PDF version available there as this forum does not allow PDF upload.

Below is a high-res version of the table:

Currently @KaneDriscol is working through creating a bunch roll tables, right in the middle of a few for The Waste, but soon moving on to a bunch of other ICRPG tables.

Hope this resource helps. It will eventually make its way into the future goal of The Waste is Not Kind 2.0.


These are very useful, thank you for releasing this! I think it will make running a one-shot introduction to WINK that much easier.


EPIC! Just ran some ICRPG at Kublacon. Morrow Project/Fallout Style. Threw Doctor Who in as well since he was this years theme!
Used W.I.N.K. as a resource. Spent a few hours rolling randomly to create pregens. LOVE your tables!
Will help populate encounters!
Mahalo! (Thanks)!
Thomas in Maui


Oh man, this is so encouraging and amazing to hear! Love hearing about The Waste being used out in the wild.