SynerGM - Rotating The Hot Seat


At my table, I keep a 4x6 index card with roll tables that I find useful while planning and improvising. I decided to make a one-page handout to help other GMs, and it took on a life of its own. Would this be helpful for GMs? I haven’t playtested the rotating GM idea - what are your thoughts?

Special thanks to everyone who contributed to this thread. I condensed the Disruption ideas into the Threats roll table. @Lon, this is my updated sheet :slight_smile:


Holy Crap that is amazing. Thank you for sharing and tagging me! A reference like this really fits my prep style, in that once I have a big picture concept of the problem and key locations, I like to just roll up a handful of threats, hazards, obstacles, and timers to put into play when they fit. Often I use those Dungeon World Die of Fate tables, or make a couple random rolls on a PbtA Threat actions list and then figure out something more specific as I go. Doing that helps me keep from getting stale or subjecting my PCs to predictable GM “tics” or frequently used plot twists/motifs. I can see this table getting subbed in the very next time I prep. (Which will hopefully be soon. I’m starving for game!)

Thanks again!


Yay! I’m glad you find it helpful :blush:


This is an awesome tool! It really gets my imagination going for prep work. I have a few folks in my group that would probably like to see this. Is this a shareable kind of thing?


Sure is. Share away!


I love simple Tables that are clean and can help provide inspiration when I’m stuck staring at a page. I will definitely be using this in my prep!



Which reminds me… I shall create some web/phone/desktop apps so everybody can use these things easily.


Thanks for the encouragement, everyone. Are there any changes you’d suggest before I finalize this?