Sly Flourish Spotlights Crown & Skull!



So, Sly Flourish is one of my favorites. He wrote two of my favorite books, the Lazy Dungeon Master and Forge of Foes. When I saw he reviewed Crown & Skull I had to look at.

I love that he calls it an “opinionated” RPG and then goes over what makes it different from most other things out there.


Crown and Skull Spotlight – Lazy RPG Talk Show


Just saw this and watched it. It’s super cool that he’s really pushing the players guide to the audiences and saying “if you’re interested, just go all in and get the print!”

This game is opinionated for sure. The thing that was missed was the Phases and Monsters deep dive with making one monster horrifying to deal with for one whole party!

I ran one fresh fledgling vampire and scared the hell out of the party. Then the wizard did a knowledge check and found out that this one was still vulnerable to standard weapons, but they typically are immune to them. That scared the group even more


I would love to have been on that vampire encounter. Sounds like fun!

I haven’t been able to run pure C&S, yet. It’s the game’s opinions that I like most though. I run 20-minute encounters with small groups of 4th graders to practice math facts. Last week I dropped the ICRPG target and now they do even more math facts. C&S is helping them up their game. Right now, it’s a Xeno Dead Zone and C&S mashup. It needs a little work. LOL.

Shields of division and spells of multiplication are on their way!

I’ve been hacking together interesting bits and rules to keep the encounters at a fast clip.


That was a great episode! Thanks for the recommendation :slightly_smiling_face::+1:t2: