Running Encounters


So I’m not sure if there’s a section in the ME that I overlooked but how do a lot you run ‘Wilderness Encounters’? My map has many sections that will take up time and energy for my players and I want to throw in random encounters, loot, and explorative moments between those moments.
Also, Id like to put my map into perspective; It’s a hexagonal map with KNOWN civilizations and each hexagon is about 10 miles (wanted to keep some realism with wanderers needing to walk or drive) and each 10 mile point would equal a couple encounters.

What are some ideas to go about this?
Random card drawing? Making a list to roll on every X miles?


You could use a timer? A bigger one than D4 depending on the rate of accidental encounter you’d like for the region they are moving through.


What like a “Time runs out, now it’s an encounter?”


Yeah, absolutely! Entering a territory means that somebody will be watching! Or, if they are not watching, they are bound to find the players on one of their patrol!


But what should I do for discovery events or things of that nature. I’m thinking of not only doing ‘hidden cities/necropolis’ where only I know where there at but due to the limited player/character knowledge, they wouldn’t. I’m also thinking on the scale of solo RPG “Wretched Wastes” where you draw a card and said events can be good, bad, relaxing or absolutely traumatic.


Creating patterns is usually the best way to make players explore.

This path is going in circle toward our destination? Where is that branching path going to? Let’s see!

And nothing stops you from using the deck of card with the timer!


You could go simple random tables, or if you want something like an escalating danger level, check out “The Hex Flower” system. search ‘goblinshenchman hex flower power’ (also on drivethrurpg as well)

For example if you look at it, it creates a better escalation for things like weather, or similar things that go thru a stage sequence or something like that.


So I really like the idea for weather and I might add that with a certain hex having special weather effect lasting 1-2 days but the events flower isn’t gonna work for what I’m looking for. I actually glanced through another RPG, “Other Dust”, and remembered a table idea to do which was roll D12 with Worse to Best online and 12 is to roll on another second tier chart from Terrible to Awesome.