RuneJammer 2024


After a successful year last year we’re back!

Join the Runehammer Games Fan Community for RuneJammer 2024, a week of completely free online roleplaying game sessions offered around the clock from July 20th through 27th

Enjoy playing Index Card RPG, DM Scotty’s EZD6, and the all-new Crown and Skull system with some of the most avid and well-versed gamemasters on the Shield Wall, bringing you the widest, wildest selection of genres from which to choose.

Participants of all backgrounds and experience levels are welcome, and there will be something for everyone! Visit today!


RuneJammer GM Application

Hey did you miss out on running your favorite ICRPG scenario last year?

Do you want to help introduce folks to the wonder that is Index Card RPG, Crown and Skull, or EZd6?

Well you’re in luck as we got a limited number of Event GM positions for RuneJammer 2024!

Fill out the form, and we’ll get back to you in early April

Application deadline is March 31st!


Hey hey if you missed it - @FilBot3 & @skippy were on Karl Makes Stuff this weekend talking about RuneJammer 2024! go enjoy the VOD!


Thanks @s5photog! Skippy, Lil’ C, Kane, and everyone else have been doing a lot to make it possible!


We are still taking GM applications!

If you’d like to introduce new folks to ICRPG, Crown & Skull, Viking Death Squad, EZd6 and all the other creations of Runehammer we’d love to have you onboard!

Fill out the form , and we’ll get back to you in early April


I’m pleased to report that RuneJammer 2024 is shaping up very nicely, poised to bring the heat again this year from July 20 through July 27 with eight days of around-the-clock online gaming for everyone!

We’re offering over 70 games across a wide range of settings and genres, completely free to all, with a special emphasis on welcoming newcomers to the RPG hobby and Runehammer Games. That’s pretty much like running all of Alfmarches in one week!

We organizers are excited, and we hope to see the Shield Wall well represented at this extraordinary event this summer. Registration opens soon, in just a matter of weeks. Visit and sign up for details. Help us out by telling a friend beyond this community about RJ24 today! Thanks. :shield:



I think a big part of RuneJammer that a lot of people are missing at first glance is what a superb opportunity it is to get people you know into the hobby playing ICRPG, C&S, and EZD6.

One of our stated goals last year remains the same for RJ24: reducing barriers to access to RPG fun for as many people as we can. Not familiar with the game system? No problem. Can’t find people to play with? No problem. Can’t find time to play? No problem. Wake up early on a Monday morning and get in a game before you go to work!

A lot of people remain on the fence about gaming online because they “don’t like playing with a bunch of randos…” RuneJammer offers prospective participants a rare and wonderful opportunity to game and try out an original adventure using a new system, even if they’re shy about playing with unfamiliar people. Friends can put together their own group and register to fill the entire table at a game session of their choosing, with an exciting adventure hosted by an experienced GM who’s ready to run it just for them. That’s hard to beat.

We encourage community members to tell friends, family, and coworkers beyond the Runehammer community about the possibilities this unique event offers. The gamers you help convert at RuneJammer this year will be grateful participants in your own gaming life in the future.



(yes I’m excited)