Runehammer Miniature Painting


Hi There Everyone,
I’ve noticed in some of the Runehammer vids that the minion minis tend to be drybrushed in particular colour schemes. I love this idea as it keeps detailed minis on the table but abstracts them a little. I assume this is the intent?

I’ve ordered the new Reaper Bones set and will have minis coming out of my ears and would like to do a similar style of painting on some of them. Does anyone have any photos for inspiration please?

Thankee Kindly.


Don’t want to sound like a big head but this probably will. I used to be a professional painter and mini painting tutor. If you or anyone on here needs any help just let me know.


Hey Paladin. Yep, I do lots of my minis monochrome for the reason you mentioned, and to color-code factions and types to keep the table ‘gamey.’

I do a black base coat, then a single, dark color (say…dark green), then i dry brush a mid green, let it dry, then super lightly dry brush a yellowish or ultra-bright green to finish. Here some examples…


Perfect!!! That’s exactly what I was looking for. These examples rock.

Thanks for the inspiration, I’ll be painting some of my factions in similar schemes in 2019.


that gray set of minis is wavvy! Those are the Petersen minis right…


I love the abstract nature of this approach. Really allows the players to continue using their imaginations.