Question on EFFORT


Hello, I have questions on effort. I don’t understand when to roll each of the dice. To quote the rules:

Rolling an ATTEMPT uses a D20, and any STATS that fit the situation. LOOT can also boost an ATTEMPT or EFFORT roll. Notice below, an EFFORT type is not listed. That’s because ‘Melee Attack’ could use Weapons Effort (D6) or Magic Effort (D8) depending on the weapon in use. An unarmed Melee Attack would simply use Basic Effort (D4). The same goes for all ATTEMPTS! If I’m trying to climb a rocky cliff of 1 HEART, I need 10 EFFORT to overcome it. If I’m wearing Magic Climbing Boots, the EFFORT would be Magical! Making 10 EFFORT with a D8 is far faster and easier than just normal shoes, which would be BASIC EFFORT, D4, and so on!

Does this mean that for example lockpicking a chest:
1D4: when trying to lockpick a chest with my bare hands or inadequate tools (for example a hair pin or a knife).
1D6: when using lockpick
1D8: when using a spell or magic item to lockpick the chest.
1D12: when getting a natural 20 in the ATTEMPT dice roll.

Did I get it right? I’m specially confused to when to use the 1D6 and when to use the 1D4.



You are correct. 1d6 is basically with tool, 1d4 without, 1d8 with magic/supernatural tool/help.

Addition: 1d12 is added on a critical success, so 1d4 + 1d12 if critical success but no tool.


I took the rules to suggest any and all attempts to do anything is done with a d20 roll. Each target, be it a room, a monster, a door you are opening or breaking, a chest you are opening, etc… is given a difficulty level which you have to match or roll higher than. The door is a TN (target number) of 14. You roll d20 and need to get a 14 or higher to open it. Like that. Same would apply to opening the chest.

Now… using the other dice would be to indicate damage amount or perhaps duration of a spell etc. You might be breaking a door down. TN14 to do any damage to it. GM decides the door has 2 hearts of health. You roll the first time and hit it with a 16 rolled. You roll damage dependant on what/how you are bashing the door in. Feet? D4. War hammer? D6. Magic missile spell? D8. GM tracks the damage and eventually tells you about how the door rips apart flying inwards and alerting the 65 sleeping Goblins on the other side.

Like that.