How would you go about doing this?
I was thinking something along the lines of:
Attacker rolls their weapon damage die, the result becomes the ATK value that lowers the defender’s defense.
(So a maxed defense of 18 would be reduced to 6 by a max roll from a d12 weapon)
Defender rolls their d20 Defense.
Rolled under? No problem.
The attrition sustained is determined by how much the d20 rolls over the ATK lowered Defense value:
2 = Basic Attrition
4 = attacker decides either Flesh or Equipment Attrition.
8 = Destroy
12 = Brutal
I wanted some ruling for this in case the party turns on an NPC/companion or a player is corrupted somehow and turns monstrous. without having to convert their character sheet into a Enemy type entity – unless there is some easier way to do that?
Like turn the combined number of items and skill they have into HP
Have their ATK be the median of their weapon damage (so d12 becomes 6 ATK)
Have their DEF be defense minus 10 (so 18 becomes 8 DEF – is that too high?)
I don’t know which method would be faster/easier/more satisfying.