PCs VS Guy on Chariot - How Would You Run It?



I have this room/encounter I would like to put my players through. It involved them stumbling on a boar nursery/training stable. They are chasing this orc which managed to get a Nat 20, 5 times in a row (who they previously nearly defeated, but he got away).

I want this orc to come out of the stables in a war chariot pulled by two boars, and have it run into the PCs (hopefully several times) in a chase like a scene.

However, all the players have ranged attacks, that are very powerful. I’m not sure how to make this chariot attack/battle fun/challenging/memorable.

Any ideas on the matter?


Maybe the orc has armored and covered the chariot, so that it is difficult or impossible to shoot him from afar. He can charge them and get in close for massive damage while they are trying to find a way to stop him.


I’m digging it, instead of killing the orc first, make them take out the chariot, and then deal with orc, if he doesnt manage to slip away again.

I had also thought about having the chariot charge off board, take a turn or two to round about and then appear again for 1 to 2 turns. Making it somewhat unknown where the orc will strike next.

Admitidly I think the vanishing part would be better for an actual chase scene when the PCs are actively trying to get somewhere (currently in campagin they’re kinda just wondering the woods).


maybe the chariot could have like a giant snow plow/ cow catcher that blocks the PC’s line of site, giving the orc total cover. that way when he is on the charge they cant just shoot him down, but the back might be open, so after his charge he might be “vulnerable” momentarily until he can turn the chariot around. this would prompt the players into finding cover, spreading out, pulling a bull fighter/ train dodge move, or otherwise evading the chariot meaning that all of them may not have the opportunity to retaliate while he is open for a shot. which could make them kite the orc towards a specific PC so the most people will get a chance to fire. This is such a cool concept and i think it could really make for a dynamic fight. just be careful that the PC’s might get tired of it and just pin cushion the boars, so they may need some protection as well.


Have the orc throw out bombs or bags of rattlesnakes as he passes. Give him two actions per round. Nowhere is safe!


Have enraged boars wander randomly on the battlefield and charge PCs who come NEAR.


A whip for the orc — target rolls STR or gets drug behind the chariot.