One Shot Recap using C&S Mapless Dungeon



My wife and I ran a one-shot using the Mapless Dungeon method to test it out. We used ICRPG Quickstart to create her character and I created the dungeon using the Rumors table and Goals from ICRPG.

The session was fun and exciting because I didn’t have to prepare a whole lot, just some ideas that my wife can encounter.

The concerns that I had with the Mapless Dungeon came to fruition. My wife ended up rolling three times on the same encounter. I just opted to have her reroll which I don’t know how I feel about it. I kept thinking to myself that maybe I need to have more clear encounters and environments so that when I imrpov it’ll be more seamless.

I would definitely love to try this again to get more practice in as I haven’t GM for a long time.

Needless to say my wife and I had a lot of fun and now she wants to use this one shot character regularly.

What’s your experience with mapless dungeons? I would love to hear what everyone else’s experiences were with the Mapless Dungeon and tips/advice.


Where can I find the Mapless Dungeon? Sounds intriguing!


Mapless dungeons are presented in Crown & Skull RPG.