One Page Rules 2D prints



Just so people know of another print and play option.

B&W is free, color options on patreon.


Thanks For sharing this Paxx!

I Bought a large pack of Centimeters Cubes to use as micro Battle Minis for OPR’s Grimdarm Future.

They work well and allow you to Battle in a much small area due the them having a much smaller scale.

But, sometimes I just like to have something that looks a little cooler.


Lol. There is nothing stopping you from scaling these. Specially with a high Rez printer…they store well.


Oh I didn’t know about this! I really love your color illustrations man! Any advice if I want to start learning to draw/paint in your style? What software are you using?


Lol. Not my stuff. But there are plenty here to ask.