My friend is having trouble thinking of a level 1 glyph spells


He’s playing an alchemist and he doesn’t like the only level 1 spell availble. I can’t think of any good ones either, so does anyone have any ideas for good level 1 glyph spells?
EDIT: Didn’t notice the ideas included at the end of the glyph spell list. Found some cool stuff in there.
EDIT #2: More specifically “Magnetic” - Draw a glyph on one object and draw the same glyph on another object, the two objects attract towards each other for 1d4 turns per power


He can always start by reflavoring some of the other level 1 spells. For example, Energy Level 1 Repel can br flavored to a Glyph spell that is drawn on an area having a repulsive effect.


This sounds like a job for Google! I just did a quick image search for runes and got this:


Using that as inspiration, this is what I thought of:

  • Locking: Touch two matching glyphs on two objects together and magically bind them together. (Ex: A glyph on a door and a glyph on the door frame. Close the door and they “lock” the door in a way that is not dependent on the dead bolt. Got to stay one step ahead of those thieves :wink: )
  • Explosion: Mark an object with an explosion glyph was a number of additional mark. The object will then explode in X number of ROUNDS equal to X number of marks.
  • Holy: Mark an object as HOLY and grant additional damage against UNDEAD.


Oh hell yeah, that’s awesome