Munyb’s Menagerie: Flying Monkey



Flying Monkey :black_heart:
+1 STR +2 DEX +1 INT -1 All other stats DEF 11

Exactly what you’d expect from the description: a wily simian covered in fur of any of a variety of tones of grey, brown, or black with a long, prehensile tail and beautiful, birdlike feathered wings. A flying monkey weighs 80 to 100 pounds and is more vicious than most creatures twice its size because of its unexpected cleverness and ingenuity. Flying monkeys communicate in their own chittering language, but they can learn to understand basic ideas in the common tongues of Alfheim and sometimes use rudimentary sign language. One can lift its own weight in flight, and three together can carry off all but the biggest adventurer, even when laden with dungeon gear. So get the f*ck back to Kansas, and don’t forget your little dog…

  • FLIGHT—Obviously, flying monkeys can fly. They move about the same as a human on the ground, but when in flight they can move up to FAR distance in one turn and still opt to take an action; they cannot hover, but they only need room to jump upwards (not a running start) to take flight, owing to their large, powerful wings.
  • ATTACK—HAMMERFIST PUNCHES: D6 weapon (bludgeoning) damage; the monkeys favor their fists in a quick, staccato 1-2 overhand combination, and if they are in flight attacking a creature on the ground, the to-hit STR roll is EASY.
  • ATTACK—THROWN STONE: D6 WEAPON (bludgeoning) damage; while the monkeys are expert at throwing found stones for improvised ranged attacks on the ground or in the air, given the opportunity, one will pick up a larger rock, take flight, and drop it on ground targets from above, which either hits on a HARD DEX roll for DOUBLE WEAPON damage (2D6) or misses completely on any other result. (A targeted creature who sees the drop attack coming can make a DEX save to reduce the impact of a hit back to 1D6 damage.)
  • ATTACK—BITE: D4 BASIC (piercing) damage); monkeys will resort to this if their hands are full, but they cannot bite white in flight.
  • PACK ATTACK: When multiple monkeys on the ground engage in melee attack against the same CLOSE opponent in one turn, attack rolls are EASY; this advantage is not conferred when they in flight.


  1. Flying monkeys are believed to be native to Kath, where the largest populations of these uncommon creatures exist in the wild, but they area an adaptable species sighted living in pockets from Blackwave to the shores of Crask.
  2. Gamemasters who really want to lean into the simian theme and favor dark comedy at their tables can always alter the flying monkeys’ ranged attacks and swap out the stones for excrement, either to be flung or to be dropped from above. Such an alternative attack should only occur once per monkey during the encounter, and the only damage to players should be to their dignity.

The Loot Pile: Punk of Horrors