Map: Temple of Yig



This design was inspired by Goblin Gully, a neat one page dungeon adventure by Dyson Logos. The original uses a strictly vertical section map to describe a sealed horror lab of a forgotten culture. The upper levels of this slave pit have lately been taken over by goblin raiders, who are however still unaware of the dangers lurking below their hideout.

The cornerstones of original setup are still present: focus on verticality, a rope bridge spanning the central ravine as well as the dark pool with eldritch horrors deep below. Some room ideas also made it into this revised version, such as the passage through the monster’s jaw or the manhole above the altar chamber, allowing the goblins to stage a surprise attack.

I did a new completely new, revised map, added lots of new features and changed the focus of the ruins towards a serpent cult. I figured as Alfheim features a strong links to the ancient serpent men (which again are plainly derived from Howards Conan and thus Lovecraft’s Yig), it might be a good fit here.


Beautiful, beautiful map! Well done!


Excellent map! I’ve vandalized it with a basic key, since it is just begging for one. I’d love to see how others might key it better than me


Awesome write-up, love your ideas and this collaborative design process in general. It’s much more fun to draw a map and then see what challenges and stories are discovered within by other minds. By the way I am natively speaking german. Therefore finding precise, short and idiomatically correct words is not the easiest for me. So if you have suggestions helping to refine my descriptions, feel very invited to comment. Here is some of the initial work I put into the keys - lets keep a multitude of ideas coming …

Behind the Scenes
Original: I very much like the original, simple concept by Dyson Logos: He designed the Goblin Gully as an old slave pit. There sorcerers of the forgotten Kale empire performed horrible bio-magical experiments and conjured demonic creatures from the dimensions beyond. There is something wonderful in discovering the ancient. If the original purpose of the ruins is now long lost, we gain a secret the players might unveil. However, we then need another cast of enemies to confront the intruders now. Undead cultists are always handy but in this case the goblin raiders using the upper levels as a hideout are a classic option. This paints the setup as a standard starter adventure, which might pull unassuming players into a lovecraftian abyss.

Alternative: This dungeon could also be interpreted as an active temple of dark worship. This view seems to be proposed by @xwingplayer who brings actual cultists into the scene. There is much to this version: Players could stumble into ongoing rituals. You can put the dust of centuries aside and directly expose the gory details of sacrificial worship. Good stuff.


Starting with actual descriptions … This is just one option, nothing set in stone. I very much invite others to join the process, continue or propose other versions. I am trying to use short sentences focusing on player senses and experiences. Well, let’s see how it goes.

1. Plateau

  • The curving path climbs up through the mountainous wilderness until it arrives at a plateau.
  • To the right hand the ground abruptly drops into a deep ravine.
  • In the depth you can see the white silvery foam of a thundering stream.
  • The left edge of the plateau is bordered by a towering rock face throwing its long shadow over you.

1.1 Stone Circle

  • A gathering of 8 roughly hewn stone monoliths rings the central clearance on this plateau.
  • Each of those massive blocks is 6-8 feet wide and up to 20 feet height.
  • However, just one of these giants has braved the elements and now reaches lonely into the sky.
  • All the other stones have crumbled or tumbled to the ground and are covered by moss and lichen.
  • They are now quite suitable as seating for a rest - broken teeth in a circular mouth.


  • On the ground within the circle of monoliths faint traces of geometric lines can be discovered.
  • The intersections of those lines are marked by buried stones of the size of a fist.
  • Strange runes have been carved into these stones (roll WIS to grasp arcane history and danger).
  • The ashen earth along the lines is barren from plant live. Even ants do not pass these barriers.


  • The ritualistic rune stones radiate an aura if unnatural decay.
  • Animals do not willingly enter within 1m radius of the source of this dark energy.
  • This item could be quite useful to protect camps from wildlife.
  • However, plant life in close vicinity rottens and food spoils with remarkable speed.
  • Players could find their supplies decayed when carrying along a rune stone.
  • For an accomplished conjurer these artifacts might be very valuable as spell components.