LFG for Bindlekeep


Players: 3-4
Genre: Typical fantasy (pulp).
Setting: Aryn (Homebrew). Homebrew Player’s Guide will be available. Changes only to character creation.
When: Starts Wednesday, Nov. 17th, 6pm PST. Will continue weekly until concluded.
Platform: Discord + Roll 20

WARNING: This is a setting under construction. Concepts may change with input.

Pitch: “Young adventurers have to make a name for themselves. Until then, they have to take the menial jobs for Guild Minimum pay. Gold is gold, and the new town of Bindlekeep has called for aid. You were among the first to hear about it and you’re only twenty miles from the new town. Still, safety in numbers. You and a few other desperate souls have opted to band together and share the spoils.”

Style: Pulp adventure with dark things in the wild. Mature themes.

PM me.