
Hey Shieldholders…
Going to be at Kublacon at the Hyatt in San Francisco.
Running a Post Holo. Game is
“Guardians of the Wastes”.
My version of ICRPG with a
Stun Mechanic.
Fell in LOVE :heart: :heart_eyes: with this Con a few years back when I discovered that if you play or GM…you enjoy a Private Room for 2 to 6 hours! Hotel reserves several floors for gamers and we share and rotate! Works awesome. Makes it the best Con EVER. No screaming over other tables…like at every other Con.
Just big enough to be fun without the overwhelm!
Definitely a Top Tier gaming experience. NO EXTRA CHARGE for the rooms…or the games. One entry fee…you done.
Friggin awesome. Come check it out!
Thomas from Maui.