Junk’d rules lite TTRPG hack



Hi all,

Just got junk’d and immediately wanted to make a TTRPG hack to expand the Driver character creation to allow for open world TTRPG sessions. Vehicle combat stays the same.

Junk’d TTRPG hack

Driver Skills. Choose 5 of the skills below and spread 10 points among the them with 4 as the max in any skill

Attack, Guns, Mechanic, Intimidate, Smarts, Engineering, Stealth, Survival, Medic.

Skills explained

  • Attack- A general term for any aggressive action intended to cause harm. Since there is a chance to miss there are no defensive rolls in driver to driver combat. Successful on a 5 or 6
  • Guns- when you run out of ammo you can roll Guns to replenish your ammo. Choosing the highest die rolled to replenish the equal amount of ammo. Can only be done once per combat.
  • Mechanic- Should you find yourself in need of a new vehicle. A mechanic can get a found hunk of junk running again, Successful on a 5 or 6.
  • Intimidate- you can use your presence and will power to intimidate others to do what you want. Successful on a 5 or 6. It takes a lot to intimidate most people these days. It’s dog eat dog out there.
  • Smarts- you are known to have a keen mind and sharp intellect. Successful on a 5 or 6
  • Engineering - you are familiar with systems and engineering and can make and repair useful items, set disarm traps even build explosives. And understand structures. Successful on a 5 or 6
  • Stealth- You can get into and out of most places unseen. Successful on a 5 or 6
  • Survival- It ain’t easy out on the open road. Food, water and shelter can be hard to find. Can find enough to keep you and one other fed and hydrated for one day. Successful on a 5 or 6. No food or water in 24 hours apply 1 minor point of damage.
  • Medic- Can perform basic medical healing. Can heal 1D4 minor health or 1 major health should you have the time and tools to do so. Successful on a 5 or 6

All damage dice are on a D6. If the weapon or attack has a + value add the equal number of D6 to the roll. If a successful hit is rolled. Roll the associated number of D6 and choose which damage type to apply. Minor damage or Major damage. Fists can only apply minor damage unless all minor damage is full. Once all minor health is full. All damage becomes major damage. When all minor damage is taken roll 1D6, on a 1 or 2 they fall into unconscious. If all minor and major damage are full the character is dead with no chance of revival.

Driver bonus and health.
Roll an extra 1D6 for the drivers associated skill and are successful on a 4 to 6.

Badass- Intimidate +1D6. Health 1D4+2 minor. 3 major.
Borg- Smarts +1D6. Health 1D4+2 minor. 2 Major
Deisleboy- Mechanic +1D6. Health 1D4+2 minor. 3 major.
Maniac- Attack +1D6. Health 1D4 +3 minor. 1 Major
Juicer- Survival +1D6. Health 1D4+3 minor. 2 major
Gunner- Guns +1D6. Health 1D4+2 minor. 1 major

Clans / Sworn enemy
Renegades / War Dogs
.50 cal gang / The Valkyries
Duskland Raiders / Lords or Chrome
Sewer Sharks / Rust Bucket Boys.

Choose to re-roll all dice once when vs enemy clan.

Assisting a Driver. When assisting add 1D6 extra to the roll to a max of 3 extra. Must have the same stat being tested to assist.