ICRPG rules questions



Hello all,
I have been using ICRPG rules as a “plugin” for d&d 5e for some time now, but I am growing tired of d&d and looking to finally transition fully. However, I have a few questions:

I can’t find anywhere in the rule book for how many “gear slots” you start with, either carried or equipped. I see you can have up to 3 weapons equipped but it tells me nothing about other gear. Quite a few items reference occupying gear slots, giving you more gear slots, being equipped vs carried, but I can’t figure out how many you actually have.

Second, are there any rules for using a grid? I would like to keep using a grid instead of using the banana system and am not sure if there is any sort of official rule. The “near” distance is most confusing. Using 6 squares for normal movement ala dnd and being about banana length seems fine, but that seems way too far to be within spear reach or the radius of a fireball.

Finally, I am not sure about how equipment is destroyed/lost outside of special circumstances. Could anyone shed some light on that?


Gear slots: It’s 10 each - if I recall it correctly, but it can be expanded by gear like a spell book, which occupies 1 gear slot but allows you to use this slot for 5 Spells.
Grit: Maybe use half the squares, so near would be 3 squares?


10 equipped seems like a lot… I think if you are destroying gear often enough you wont ever hit that. I might houserule 5 to start and see how it feels. Easier to give unto the players than to take away.


We play 10 Equipped and 10 Carried for a total of 20 items. Like @Daheon said certain gear can expand these slots. I think it’s a beautiful way to manage encumbrance. We play all Equipped gear is a free action (like switching weapons that are Equipped) but Carried gear requires an action (to pull out of your backpack for example).

And yes, Azatoth giveth and Azatoth taketh away. :wink:


I would note that the 10 equipped slots are for all equipped items: weapons, armor, shields, rings and amulets, spell scrolls, etc. But yes, it’s a bit.

I would recommend trying 5 to start and see how that feels. You can always say, “Ah, you guys now have 3 milestones… INVENTORY UPGRADE” and make it look like you knew what you were doing all along. :wink:


Equipped and Carried is 10 of each, this is mostly a spoken rule but is listed on the first character sheet variation in Core 2e.

10 equipped fills up pretty quickly since you only gain the benefit from Loot when it’s equipped. The difference between carried and equipped is accessibility, equipped is right there ready to go while carried is in your pack and takes time to get to it.

Example Guardian:
Starter Loot (choose 1): Trusty Mug +1 CON (eq)
Universal Equipment (choose 3): Common Armor +1 Armor (eq), Common Shield +2 Armor (eq), Smithing Tools +3 Attempt (carried).
Starting Weapons: Axe (eq), Hammer (eq), Crossbow (eq).
Guardian Starter Reward: Shield Gloves (eq).

From above that’s already 7 equipped items and just 1 carried.

For distance, the Close/ Near/ Far is more suited to abstract lengths for gridless play. Going with a grid and using the staple of 1 inch equals 5 feet changes those above distances. I would follow what makes sense for grid distances if that’s what you’re using at the table.

As for losing/ breaking Loot. Bad guys can steal from the players. Falls can break or damage gear. Fire and acid can destroy gear. And some situations can make it obsolete, like an armored foe that’s immune to bludgeoning (sorry hammers and maces) or a beast immune to magic. Those last options don’t actually break gear, but taking away their ability to function can be just as effective. Plus if the players are captured it’s a fair assumption that all their stuff is taken.

Sorry for the text wall. Hope this helps, man. :blush:


Wow, that is super helpful, thanks!


I’ve done this a couple of times. Works great for teaching inventory management early on and then it does feel awesome to get inventory upgrades. “The grateful merchant offers all of you bigger backpacks!” Lol!


If you want a little more sophistication and have players have to make choices then you could link the size/weight of an item to the number of slots it takes up:

1 Slot: Small/light/simple (Dagger, Cudgel, Sickle, Staff)
2 Slots: Normal (Spear, Sword, Mace, Axe, Flail)
3 Slots: Heavy/Two Handed (Halberd, Warhammer, Long sword, Battle Axe)

1 Slot: (Small/light) Shields, Helmet, Leather, Clothing.
2 Sots: Studded leather armour
3 Slots: Chain armour
4 Slots: Half Plate Armour
5 Slots: Full Plate

Number of Equipped Gear Slots

(Taken from Knave)