ICRPG + Mörk Borg = METAL



An arcane crimson storm sweeps over the jagged rocks of Viltainia bringing deafening thunder, waves of black that blots out light, and hungry lightning seeking flesh to burn and rend. From the ground beneath the storm the once-dead become restless and unearth themselves, swaying gently across the countryside for the first sign of movement…
Nearby, a wagon full of heretics seeks passage to Alem Neug library for answers, but a veteran among them knows the storm for what it is: a vestige of the Miracles of Verhu. They look over the hills around, bathed in red light, and see the still bodies of the undead come to notice them… The swarm of undead can be seen screaming towards them over the hills. What to they do!?

Take Cover!
There’s an abandoned house of some kind on a hill nearby! They take cover within and find it unfinished with construction materials inside. The undead will come in waves, and between waves PCs will have an opportunity to prep by setting up barricades with the wood and tools within. Undead of different types will work to get inside through windows and doors, and even a gaping hole in the side of the building. Players have to use some strategy to keep the undead from flooding in and overtaking them!

Waves of undead, lite notes on monsters, tactical choices for players, and a lite mechanical meta! Things were blazing fast and using timers, threats, treats, + more kept it feeling like a game to interact with without wondering how they were supposed to. We’ve gotten through part 1, so part 2 is coming this weekend! Sessions like these run themselves, and while I love some investigation or RP sessions, some intense action is just what the doctor ordered sometimes. Here are some quick notes I made, I find making them look rad is just as satisfying as having good music to facilitate the mood. :slight_smile:


A friend and me are working on a Mörk Borg-ICRPG-hack of some sort (or a mishmash maybe :smiley:), to get people who like Mörk Borg to play ICRPG and vice versa. It’s mostly re-skinning and re-flavouring of different parts from games we like. I’m gonna post something here on the forums when I have a first draft.

I really like the monument in The Altar Rises. Such a cool idea!


Ah man, this is awesome! The backdrop story, the maps, and setups are sweet, I would love to see this is in action! I agree, the Altar Rises is a really cool idea and I love the illustration for it.


I’m glad to see those who embrace icrpg embrace mork borg. Would love to see anyone blend the two together.


this sounds really fun, a sorta base defense game with waves of enemies. What kinda game is mork bolg?


It’s a black metal fantasy game. Rules lite, heavy everything else. Very friendly to content creation, and is lite enough you can put other concepts, like some of those in ICRPG, right onto it.