ICRPG is a Classless system. Change my mind. (sips coffee)


I agree! Sometimes I think “classless” is almost another way of saying “multi-class”.

Just to be clear, I typed “multi-class”, not:


I’m still self-debating if it is better to let the player write down the tag and reward them instantly at lvl up or let them write it down and then reward at the NEXT lvl up for that tag… I like the first better i think haha


So I like the idea of tying the milestone reward to the Tag being worked on. But I also like the idea of actually gaining benefit from the chosen Tags. These are supposed to be character defining after all. I think I’d do both.

I also LOVE the Numenera stuff. Here is a stab at converting a couple of Tags(Descriptors):

Adaptable - You flex and sway with changes both physical and mental. When something bad happens to you, you feel the pain and the loss, but soon, you’re back on your feet and in the action. When you have to learn a new skill, you don’t back away, but instead, you jump in and try your best. Being adaptable means that you’re often cooperative, because you know that, by working together, a group can overcome things that might be impossible for an individual. Some seek you out because of your adaptability, but others don’t see it as a positive trait and instead see you as someone who always changes their mind-- someone without a foundation. You laugh at those accusations. That’s just the sort of thing someone would say if they had never changed their mind about anything in their life—a way for that person to feel good about their lack of growth.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Versatile: +1 to any one Stat, which you can reassign after each 1/2 day.
  • Skill: You’re trained in all tasks related to pleasant social interaction, putting other people at ease, and gaining others’ trust. You gain advantage to CHA checks realted to these (i.e. HARD becomes NORMAL, NORMAL becomes EASY).
  • Resilient: You’re trained in all actions that involve overcoming or ignoring the effects of deprivation, sorrow, or pain. This includes tasks related to ending an ongoing condition such as being dazed, blinded, stunned, and so on. (However, you are not trained in tasks to resist effects that confer those conditions in the first place.) You gain advantage to all checks realted to these (i.e. HARD becomes NORMAL, NORMAL becomes EASY).

Beneficent - Helping others is your calling. It’s why you’re here. Others delight in your outgoing and charitable nature, and you delight in their happiness. You’re at your best when you’re aiding people, either by explaining how they can best overcome a challenge or by demonstrating how to do so yourself.

You gain the following benefits:

  • Helpful: +1 to your CHA
  • Devoted: Allies who have spent the last day with you add your CON to their recovery. You also gain this benefit if at least one other ally gains it.
  • Skill: You’re trained in all tasks related to pleasant social interaction, putting other people at ease, and gaining others’ trust. You gain advantage to CHA checks realted to these (i.e. HARD becomes NORMAL, NORMAL becomes EASY).


ICRPG is very close to Classless. IIRC from one of Hank’s videos, I think he said the earliest versions actually had no classes, but it ended up being a highly requested feature so he added it in.

My main concern with ignoring classes and allowing Milestone Loot to be chosen from any class is that there could be some very overpowered combos. But that really depends on how you play the game at your table. The biggest issue with balance is rarely when a player is overpowered vs DM… The DM can simply scale up the threat over time, destroy loot etc. The issue with balance is more between players. Its less fun for others if one player is so powerful the others feel useless or redundant.


I agree ICRPG plays as classless, however I think it’d have a tougher time explaining itself without them, for some reason.

Since it already brings some alien ideas to the table, I think keeping some of them as-is (sacred-cows attributes, classes) gives players new to the system but used to the most classic RPGs something to grab on to when adapting.


Hankerin addresses some of these points in this video…


I like how @Nimlouth has included the classes as a Tag. Tags can be separated out into different areas, like all the class descriptors, maybe location descriptors, general adjective like descriptors… You could “multi-class” like @slingstone suggests. Perhaps you as the GM lays some rules, like You can have a max of 2 Class descriptors, gain the second one as a milestone or some such.

The more I dive into this idea, the more I am liking it. I am knee deep in porting over a bunch of Numenera descriptors into a spreadsheet now. Implementing Tags the way I am envisioning would make the PCs a bit more powerful right out the gate, but I am considering a trade off here of lowering the starting stat spend to just 4 instead of 6.

Or not. MAEA - Make Avatars Epic Again. (because MCEA - Make Characters Epic Again doesn’t roll)