ICME Oneshot "The Root of All Evil" (Cosmic Horror)


Hey guys 'n girls,

atm I’m working on the final steps of my ICME supplement for cosmic horror.
Hence I’m looking for 3 players to playtest an adventure called “The Root of All Evil”. (if too many people are interested, I gonna pick and will probably re-run that game later)

Plot Hook:

Uncle Abe recently commited suicide and his house is transfered to one of the investigators, hence you and your friends/colleagues/whatever visit it.

There are some custom rules for character creation. I’ll let you know about them soon. Drop me a message (forum or discord) if you’re interested.

We’ll be using ICVTT and Discord (either RH or community one)


100% in if you’ll have me for a week of ICRPG =P


I’d be interested if you’d have me


You’re welcome @FitzLoric @Starlord

We’re still looking for a third player.


Since both dropped out, we’ll probably drop that game date.