ICME Oneshot "Floating Around" (Cosmic Horror)


Hey guys 'n girls,

atm I’m working on the final steps of my ICME supplement for cosmic horror.
Hence I’m looking for 3 players to playtest an adventure called “Floating Around”. (if too many people are interested, I gonna pick and will probably re-run that game later)

Plot Hook:

After running over somebody by car, you escape town onboard the “RMS Bernadette”, which has hardly any guests.

There are some custom rules for character creation. I’ll let you know about them soon. Drop me a message (forum or discord) if you’re interested.

We’ll be using ICVTT and Discord (either RH or community one)


I am in :sunglasses::+1:


100% in if you’ll have me here too!


Sounds intereting. I’m in!


If you have space I’d like to join you


Same character creation rules as “Ice and Snow”?


nope. you’ll get the info soon


You’re welcome @FitzLoric @Guilda @Kevlar004 @chrisbynum

This’ll gonna be tough for me, since my sweetspot is 3 players. But I can’t say no to you <3