How do you guys organize/categorize your ICRPG cards?


So I’m sitting here with all the ICRPG cards and I just can’t come up with a system to organize them all in an easy to use way. My goal is to have these on hand during sessions and pull on them as needed but searching through 400 cards for the one I have in mind is very time consuming.

I’ve thought of doing people, places, locations, props, and enemies but even then those are hard to distinguish between. What do you guys do to incorporate these fantastic cards more easily in your games?


I have actually struggled with this same issue myself. Which is to say, I don’t have any great suggestions for how to solve it, but would also like to know how others deal with the organization of their decks.


I’m mostly doing fantasy right now, so anything that would fit is filed into one of these piles:

Beings (Humanoids)
Space Western (i.e. cards that generally don’t fit Swords and Sorcery genre but do for Ghost Mountain and Warp Shell)


By colour then alphabetical


When/if I print mine I’m going to drop them in an index card holder(s) in a system similar to what Lon suggested.


I recently copied them into google slides for myself to use (took awhile to do all that). There is a free addon that will randomize the presentation.

Then can scroll from top to bottom and look for combinations I like.


Image (C) Runehammer Games

I usually have the Volume index (that comes with the set referring to the card number and what it is) printed with the cards. I have a self-inking number stamp and stamp the Volume number on each card (e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). Then I use the Volume index to find the card I need or refer back to it when I have the card. I keep each volume separate in a zip lock style bag with a rubber band around them.

But I might have to organize them like @Lon into categories now. Great idea! :+1: